ACL's Housing and Services Resource Center is hosting a webinar about community living options for people with developmental disabilities. A partnership between the New York State (NYS) Council on Developmental Disabilities (CDD), the Westchester Institute for Human Development (WIHD), the NYS TRAID Assistive Technology Program, and local partners across New York explored this topic and how these community living options could be expanded through increased access to assistive technology (AT). WIHD piloted a three-year project that has connected people with developmental disabilities with needed AT to support independent living. This webinar will review the wide range of AT available and how it can be used to make a home accessible, how these organizations formed a cross-sector partnership, and best practices and lessons learned from their pilot program. Additionally, the presenters will provide information on what funding and resources might be available to support increased access to AT.
This webinar will take place on Thursday, November 21 at 3:00 p.m. ET.
Click here to register for the webinar.