Traumatic Brain Injury Stakeholder Day
March is Brain Injury Awareness Month. The Administration for Community Living is hosting Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Stakeholder Day on March 3, 2020. TBI Stakeholder Day is an opportunity for members of the TBI community to come to Washington, DC to discuss important issues around TBI services, supports, and systems and to learn from other stakeholders, brain injury survivors, family members, support networks, and state and federal representatives.
ACL is also hosting a brown bag lunch during Brain Injury Awareness Day on Capitol Hill on March 4, 2020.
Attendees must RSVP to attend by February 21 by emailing tbitarc@hsri.org.
Tentative Agenda for ACL’s TBI Stakeholder Day on March 3, 2020
Hubert H. Humphrey Building, 200 Independence Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20021
- 8:30 am Welcome and Opening Remarks with ACL Leadership
- 8:50 am HHS-wide Investment in People with TBI
- 9:20 am Transition & Employment Initiatives
- 10:30 am Break
- 10:45 am Justice-Involved Initiatives
- 12:00 pm Lunch on your own
- 1:30 pm Breakout Session – Authentic TBI Survivor Leadership
- 3:00 pm Homelessness and Housing Initiatives
- 4:30 pm Wrap Up
- 5:30 pm Adjournment