Thursday at Three: Socialization
ACL has planned weekly webinars in March on Thursdays at 3:00 pm EST to share a fresh look at the Intent of the Older Americans Act, Nutrition, Socialization and Health and Well-Being. Look out for ACL eNews communications to register for each webinar.
Webinar 3: Socialization
Thursday, March 18th, 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm EST
As a result of your participation, you will be able to understand these objectives:
Understand the socialization challenges faced by the aging network and the tribal nations
Highlight the importance of community, connections, and innovative ideas for combatting social isolation
Demonstrate how to use virtual programming to promote socialization
Presenters: Jasmine Aplin, JD - Office of American Indian, Alaskan Native, and Native Hawaiian Programs, ACL, Anna Feltz, Director, Old Bridge New Jersey Senior Center (New Jersey)
Click here for more information.