Support Aging in Place: Older Adult Peer Support Training

Event Description: 

Join the E4 Center of Excellence for Behavioral Health Disparities in Aging (E4 Center) for a training series titled “Support Aging in Place: Older Adult Peer Support Training.”  This training is designed to promote rapid uptake of digital peer support and is designed specifically to address the needs of older adults, including evidence-based principles associated with normal aging and technology, accessing and engaging older adults in technology-based recovery services, resources to age in place, aging successfully, education on whole health, sharing your lived experience of aging with mental health and/or co-morbid physical health challenges, and defining values & setting goals. Participants will gain the skills to support older adults in the community through peer assistance, comprehend the mental health needs and related support options for older adults, and identify free or low-cost technologies suitable for older adults.

Remaining Sessions:

  • Tuesday, March 19: Available Technologies in the Community that can Support Aging in Place

  • Tuesday, March 26: Privacy and Confidentiality and Engagement in Technology as an Option for Supporting Older Adults

Click here to register and for additional information.

Tuesday, February 20, 2024 - 1:00pm EST
E4 Center of Excellence for Behavioral Health Disparities in Aging
Event Type: