Strategies to Address Social Isolation and Loneliness for People Living with Dementia and Their Caregivers
Join the Administration for Community Living (ACL)-funded National Alzheimer’s and Dementia Resource Center (NADRC) for an upcoming webinar discussing the unique impact of dementia on social isolation and loneliness, tools for measuring these experiences, and common types of programs for addressing social isolation and loneliness among people living with dementia (PLWD) and their caregivers. Given the high prevalence and impact of social isolation among PLWD and those who care for them, providing activities that offer a range of positive health outcomes is critical.
Additionally, Oakwood Creative Care will discuss how they use Memory Cafés to address the needs of PLWD and their caregivers. Participants will also learn how to successfully launch Memory Cafés in the communities they serve.
- Melissa Hunter, MSW, Research Public Health Analyst, RTI International
- Terri O’Herron, CDP, Dementia Hub Director, Oakwood Creative Care
This webinar will take place on Tuesday, April 23 at 2:00 p.m. ET.
Click here to register.