Shared Learning Groups on Supports for Trauma for People With Cognitive Disabilities and Co-occurring Mental Health Conditions

Event Description: 

The Administration for Community Living (ACL)-funded Link Center invites participation in their quarterly Shared Learning Group virtual gathering series. January’s webinars will be focused on the topic of supports for trauma. These groups are an opportunity to dive into important topics and tap into expertise and experiences related to people with cognitive disabilities, including intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD), brain injury, and other disabilities, as well as co-occurring mental health conditions. The Link Center’s Steering Committee and project partners will lead the meetings. 

There are four sessions on the same topic, each scheduled for different target audiences:

Please register for the session most relevant to you. Registration is required, and sessions are limited to 300 participants.

Tuesday, January 23, 2024 - 3:00pm EST to Wednesday, January 24, 2024 - 4:30pm EST
Administration for Community Living (ACL)