Reframe Public Understanding of Your Work to Increase Funding and Awareness

Event Description: 

WellSky is hosting an upcoming webinar on how human service agencies can increase understanding of their services and marshal public support and funding. During this webinar, participants will learn how to improve communications in order to overcome misperceptions and address stereotypes around "charity". This webinar will incorporate tools from the National Human Services Assembly’s National Reframing Initiative, which has proven to significantly increase public understanding of human services.

Presenter: Bridget Gavaghan
Director, National Reframing Initiative, National Human Services Assembly

Ms. Gavaghan is helping communities across the country tell the public a new story about human services. She has spent her career promoting effective strategies designed to yield significant societal benefits. Prior to joining the National Reframing Initiative, she led Prevent Child Abuse America’s public policy program. She began her career at United Way of America, where she co-chaired national coalitions and engaged the organization’s network in advocacy on behalf of a range of public policy priorities, including 2-1-1, federal human service funding, and charitable giving tax incentives. Previously, Bridget directed advocacy communications projects at Sustain, a national nonprofit that was dedicated to environmental and social justice issues.

Thursday, January 16, 2020 - 2:00pm to 3:00pm EST
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