RAISE Family Caregiving Advisory Council Virtual Meeting
ACL has announced the second meeting of the advisory council established by the RAISE Family Caregivers Act. The purpose of this council is to provide recommendations on effective models of family caregiving and support to family caregivers. This meeting is open to the public. Individuals have the option to attend in person in Washington, DC or join virtually.
Read the agenda: https://acl.gov/sites/default/files/RAISE_SGRG/February%202020%20FCAC%20Meeting%20-%20Council%20Member%20Agenda%20%20-%201-28-20Webversion.pdf
Register to attend in person: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_o-XPb8Y4SaaaGksLllblKQ
Instructions for joining virtually will be provided on the RAISE website closer to the event.
This meeting will take place February 11 and 12, from 1:00-4:00 p.m. ET.