Building Connections Between Medical Respite Care and Permanent Housing: Lessons from Orange County, California

Event Description: 

The Center for Health Care Strategies (CHCS) is hosting an upcoming webinar titled “Building Connections Between Medical Respite Care and Permanent Housing: Lessons from Orange County, California." This webinar will explore the cross-sector partnerships facilitated by CalAIM, California’s Medicaid transformation initiative, between the Illumination Foundation (a homeless services organization), CalOptima (a local managed care plan), and the Orange County Health Care Agency. The session will highlight their partnership approach, challenges encountered and how they navigated them, and program impact to date. Additionally, a speaker from the National Institute for Medical Respite Care will offer reflections based on their experience supporting medical respite programs nationally.  


  • Meryl Schulman, MPH, Senior Program Officer, Center for Health Care Strategies

  • Jordan Hoiberg, Interim Director of Housing Services, Illumination Foundation

  • Danielle Cameron, MPH, Director of Program Development, CalAIM, CalOptima

  • Brian Greene, PhD, Administrative Manager I, Orange County Health Care Agency

  • Julia Dobbins, MSW, Director of Programs & Services, National Institute for Medical Respite Care of the National Health Care for the Homeless Council

This webinar will take place on Monday, September 11 at 3:00 p.m. ET.

Monday, September 11, 2023 - 3:00pm EDT
Center for Health Care Strategies (CHCS)
Event Type: