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Bridging the Digital Divide for HCBS Beneficiaries (Part I)

The COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (PHE) has left many older adults and people with disabilities grieving the loss of close relationships and a sense of community due to physical distancing orders, staffing shortages, and the closing of day programs. All this takes a considerable toll on their physical and mental well-being. The transition to telemedicine and virtual services in place of in-person services has helped expand care to millions. However, without the skills, resources and supports to get online and participate in digital forums, many older adults and people with disabilities are more isolated than ever. This “digital divide” affects their ability to obtain life-saving health information, medical services, procure basic goods and services, address social determinants of health (employment, education, transportation), and stay connected. 
It is uncertain when in-person services will resume to pre-pandemic levels. Yet technology solutions may provide opportunities such as: socialization, the ability to address disability and language related barriers, tools to manage chronic diseases and promote behavioral change that can be implemented now and preserved after the end of the PHE to supplement and support in-person services.
This two part webinar series provides HCBS stakeholders a holistic framework to address 5 key areas:
Part I (February 18, 2021)
1. Government leadership, public engagement, waivers, and policies
2.  Beneficiary and provider engagement, education, and supports 
3. Addressing cultural and systemic barriers
February 2021 Panelists
Kim McCoy Wade
Director, California Department on Aging
Emily Shea Tanis Ph.D., FAAIDD
Co-Director, Policy and Advocacy, Coleman Institute for Cognitive Disabilities, University of Colorado
Tannis Hargrove
Project Director, Healthy Community Living, RTC:RURAL, The Rural Institute, University of Montana
Tom Kamber
Executive Director & Ex-Officio Board Member, Older Adults Technology Services (OATS) & AARP Foundation Pilot “Connecting to Community”
Crystal Wren
Social Services Chief II, Nevada Department of Health and Human Services, Aging and Disability Services Division

The webinar will be recorded. If you are interested in the webinar and cannot attend, please register and you will recieve a recording link via email.
Click here to register.
About this webinar series
The Administration for Community Living (ACL) and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) host a monthly webinar series that invites subject matter experts and practitioners from across the home-and-community-based services (HCBS) continuum to share insights and best practices to develop high quality HCBS programs and services.  
The Administration for Community Living / Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services