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Assistive Technology (AT) and Home & Community-Based Services (HCBS)

Asistive technology is a critical service among LTSS that gives people with disabilities an alternative to institutional care. This webinar will share an overview of HCBS waivers, how the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) is giving states the opportunity to provide additional HCBS services and supports, and how AT Act programs are involved with their state’s HCBS waivers and other LTSS.
After the webinar, participants will:
  • Understand the purpose and kinds of services that can be provided through HCBS waivers and the waiver process.
  • Be aware of the types of activities states have included in their spending plans under the increase in dollars for HCBS provided through the ARPA.
  • Understand the kinds of activities state AT programs can undertake to improve access to AT in their HCBS and related LTSS
This webinar will be held on Wednesday, November 10, 2021 at 3:00 p.m. ET.
Click here to register.
AT3 Center