2024 CMS Health Equity Award – Call for Nominations
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) recently announced that nominations for the 2024 CMS Health Equity Award are now open to organizations working to advance health equity, showing others how to reduce disparities in health care access, quality, and outcomes. This award will go to an organization that can demonstrate that they have reduced disparities in health care quality, access, or outcomes between two or more groups. Populations of focus include racial and ethnic minorities, people with disabilities, sexual and gender minorities, rural populations, and other individuals impacted by persistent poverty and inequality.
Nominations are due Wednesday, March 13. Nominations should be sent to CMS Office of Minority Health at OMH@cms.hhs.gov; use the subject: ATTN: CMS Health Equity Award. Questions about the award can also be submitted to this mailbox.
Eligible Organizations:
Public and private organizations at state, local, county, and Tribal levels
Non-Governmental organizations, non-profits, businesses, academic organizations, and those impacting health outcomes.
Organizations that impact health outcomes, philanthropic organizations, and Tribal organizations that align themselves with or promote the CMS Framework for Health Equity and the CMS Strategic Plan’s pillar for Health Equity.
Nominations are due by Wednesday, March 13 at 11:59 p.m. ET.
Click here to access the nomination form.
Click here to access CMS' announcement.