Navigating Strategic Disruption and Overcoming Resistance for DEI Transformation

Event Description: 

The American Society on Aging (ASA) is hosting an upcoming webinar to help organizations utilize strategic disruption as a powerful catalyst for driving Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) transformation. Participants will explore the tactics that can be employed to effectively navigate resistance, whether it arises from individuals, processes or institutional norms, while forging connections among AAAs, CBOs, and the healthcare sector.

Participants in this webinar will:

  • Understand the purpose of strategic disruption in paving the way for meaningful DEI transformation, and its relevance in cross-sector collaborations.

  • Identifying common sources of resistance that organizations, including AAAs, CBOs and healthcare providers, may face while implementing DEI Initiatives.

  • Explore successful strategies employed by organizations in navigating resistance, with a focus on cross-sector partnerships and contracting.

This webinar will take place on Monday, March 18 at 1:00 p.m. ET.

Click here to register. 

Monday, March 18, 2024 - 1:00pm EDT
American Society on Aging (ASA)
Event Type: