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No Wrong Door (NWD) Systems: A Guide to Fundamentals and Engagement for Community Organizations

ADvancing States is pleased to announce the release of a new issue brief “No Wrong Door (NWD) Systems: A Guide to Fundamentals and Engagement for Community Organizations.” Developed with support from the National Council on Aging (NCOA), this brief describes the fundamentals of the NWD System initiative in developing a one-stop resource hub and access point for long-term services and supports (LTSS) and benefits in states and territories, and the important roles community-based organizations (CBOs) can serve in a NWD System. Additionally, the history of NWD and significant milestones, key elements of a coordinated NWD System, as well as CBO engagement in NWD Systems to facilitate access to services and benefits are explained. As identified in the issue brief, states provide a range of opportunities for CBOs to connect with NWD Systems, from the inclusion of a CBO’s services in a NWD’s database to partnering with aging and disabilities network agencies and public outreach. The issue brief highlights NWD System development and state approaches to CBO partnerships in several states. 

Read the brief here.

Person-Centered Approaches: Connecting Individuals to Services and Benefits

ADvancing States is pleased to announce the release of a new issue brief “Person-Centered Approaches: Connecting Individuals to Services and Benefits”. Developed with support from the National Council on Aging (NCOA), this brief describes person-centered approaches which are practices and techniques used by human services professionals to learn about an individual’s goals, needs, and preferences to live the life they desire and value. In aging and disability networks, person-centered conversations aid in the understanding of an individual’s long-term services and supports (LTSS) needs and preferences resulting in improved access to services and benefits. Community-based organizations, including Aging and Disability Resource Centers, Area Agencies on Aging, and Benefit Enrollment Centers, can strengthen their connections and engagement with LTSS access systems through person-centered approaches and state efforts, such as No Wrong Door Systems. Additionally, the issue brief highlights states that have implemented promising person-centered approaches.

Read the brief here.