Promising Practices Contest: Addressing the LTSS Workforce Shortage

The growing use of home and community-based services (HCBS) has increased demand for direct care workers. Many states have identified direct care workforce challenges as a major issue today; demographic changes on the horizon are poised to exacerbate this problem. Developing an adequate workforce is a challenge for all communities, and there is a strong demand to identify strategies that recruit, retain, and support direct care staff. 

As states and communities seek to maintain and expand the workforce that provides HCBS, there are emerging pockets of innovation and promising practices around the country.

ADvancing States wants to hear about your promising practices to address the LTSS workforce shortage! This contest seeks to collect examples of strategies that are showing success in addressing the long-term services and supports (LTSS) workforce shortage in states and/or communities.

Please view the link below to submit your entry and find more detailed information about eligibility, selection criteria, and awards, which includes registration and lodging at this year's National HCBS Conference!

For the submission form in an alternate format, please contact Samantha Gardner at The deadline for submission entries is Friday, April 3, 2020.

Click here to submit an entry and share your practice with us!

News date: 
Thursday, March 5, 2020