ADvancing States, HSRI, and participating states are exceptionally proud to share that the first NCI State of the Workforce for Aging and Disabilities Report for 2022 has been released. The report, which includes data from calendar year 2022, is available here: State of the Workforce - AD Reports | NCI-AD (National Core Indicators-Aging and Disabilities). These data come at a critical time - states have made large investments in workforce interventions and initiatives and need data to examine whether money has made its way into the hands of the workers through wages, and ultimately how those investments affected outcomes such as turnover and tenure. Additionally, state systems need information to understand who is in the workforce and how those workers can be supported to continue in DSW work. Two states (Colorado and Missouri) participated in the 2022 NCI-AD State of the Workforce Survey, which reflects input from 378 provider agencies.
We are launching our next SotW survey cycle SOON! States need to confirm participation by August 15, 2024 to participate in data collection beginning September 1st. E-mail Rosa Plasencia (rplasencia@advancingstates.org) to learn more about participating.