State Systems and Resources for People Living With Traumatic Brain Injury
The effects of traumatic brain injury (TBI) can lead individuals living with TBI and their families to seek information and assistance for a variety of needs. Join this webinar to strengthen your knowledge of TBI, the role of state TBI systems and programs, and I&R services for this population. Along with a national overview, this webinar will feature two state TBI programs that have robust I&R systems for the people living with TBI and have partnered with other state agencies to broaden the reach of their programs.
- Rebeccah Wolfkiel, Executive Director, National Association of State Head Injury Administrators
- Stefani O'Dea, Director, Office of Older Adults and Long Term Services and Supports, Maryland Behavioral Health Administration
- Gabriela Lawrence-Soto, Grant Project Manager, Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission
National Information and Referral Support Center (ADvancing States)
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