The State of Enabling Technology in LTSS Programs in 2024
In 2023, ADvancing States partnered with Health Systems Transformation, a small consulting company focused on fostering technology innovation in LTSS programs, to conduct research, surveys, interviews, and state affinity groups on key issues surrounding the adoption of enabling technology in state programs. Survey responses were solicited from state aging and disability agencies, leading technology companies and Medicaid health plans. The resulting report draws a stark conclusion: Most state LTSS delivery systems are not properly supported by aligned state laws and policies, federal authorities, financing, pricing, access, stakeholder engagement, quality measures, and education and training to allow enabling technology to be delivered to consumers in an agile, equitable, and transparent fashion.
The report offers recommendations for state action and identifies supports that our federal partners can offer to states as they explore ways to help older adults and people with physical disabilities live as independently as possible. Finally, the report highlights some best practices across the country in both Medicaid and aging programs.
Technology Solutions 2.0
NASDDDS started conducting an enabling technology survey in 2019. The most recent Technology Solutions 2.0 report, published in 2024, focuses on funding for technology solutions, service or operational specifications, and benchmarking for Technology First systems change.
Upcoming Reports
The next survey will be conducted jointly by ADvancing States and NASDDDS with an estimated publication in 2026. The report will contain information about the use of enabling technologies to support individuals who are aging, have a physical disability, and individuals with developmental disabilities.