OAA Back to Basics Webinar: Fiscal Policies and Procedures

Event Description: 

The Administration for Community Living (ACL) invites participation in an upcoming webinar on Fiscal Policies and Procedures. This webinar is the second in a Back to Basics webinar series which coincides with the implementation of the updated Older Americans Act (OAA) regulations. This webinar is being held to support aging network entities in their implementation of the OAA final rule and stewardship responsibilities of fiscal oversight and administration. This webinar outlines key requirements of grantees and subrecipients as stewards of public funds in carrying out the mission of the OAA. This webinar will cover topics including: (1) state and area plan administration; (2) transfer of funding for certain programs; (3) non-federal share (match) requirements; (4) maintenance of effort requirements; and (5) buildings, alterations or renovations, maintenance, and equipment. State and area agency fiscal staff are especially encouraged to attend.


  • Kari Benson, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Aging, ACL

  • Alice Kelsey, Deputy Director for the Administration on Aging, ACL 

  • Bora Mpinja, Financial Operations Specialist, ACL

  • Stephanie Cole, Regional Administrator, Region III, ACL

This webinar will take place on Thursday, April 4 at 2:00 p.m. ET.

Click here to register. 

Thursday, April 4, 2024 - 2:00pm EDT
Administration for Community Living (ACL)