The National I&R Support Center Webinar Series: Older Adults and Technology
As the population of older adults grows, increasing numbers of older adults in three distinct categories might require the services of mental health, substance abuse, and aging systems in the future: (1) older adults with mental health conditions; (2) individuals who develop late-life mental health conditions; and (3) persons living with dementia and co-occurring treatable mental health conditions or substance abuse disorders. Aging, disabilities, and mental health network professionals are invited to join this webinar training series on behavioral health crisis management for older adults to strengthen knowledge and skills to meet the current and future needs of older adults with, or at risk of developing, mental illness. This training series will emphasize digital service delivery where digital is defined as any type of technology ranging from telephone, text messaging, smartphone apps, videoconference, videogames, and social media to virtual reality.
Webinar 2: Older Adults and Technology, January 20, 2021, from 2:00 to 4:00p.m. ET.
- Normal aging and technology;
- Trauma-informed digital communication with older adults;
- Available technologies for older adults to support recovery;
- Accessing technologies for older adults; and
- Training older adults how to use technology.
Click here to register.