Connecting with Asian American and Pacific Islander Families: The impact of AAPI cultures and traditions when caring for someone with Alzheimer’s

Event Description: 

The Alzehimer's Association is presenting a 3-part webinar series, along with several national partners, in order to educate professionals on how Alzheimer's disease impacts diverse and underserved populations. The first webinar in this series will focus on how AAPI culture and traditions may impact a family's experience. Presenters will help service providers understand AAPI cultural considerations such as views on caregiving, family roles, and service utilization. Participants will also learn about potential barriers to treatment and effective strategies for working with this population. Finally, the webinar will provide an overview of tools and resources to support AAPI families impacted by Alzheimer’s and other dementias

Presenters: Ruth Drew, Edie Yau and Arthur Chan, Alzheimer’s Association and Joon Bang, National Asian Pacific Center on Aging

Thursday, March 26, 2020 - 2:00pm to 3:30pm EDT
Alzheimer's Association
Event Type: