The 2019 Self-Direction Conference

Event Description: 

The 2019 Self-Direction Conference will be held at the Hyatt Regency in Baltimore, Maryland. This year's event will feature more states, managed care organizations, and self-directing participants than ever before. In addition to Financial Management Services (FMS) sessions, this conference will feature sessions for state programs, participants, families, direct support professionals, support brokers, and other stakeholders. These sessions will explore innovative practices and highlight exemplary programs from around the country. 

The conference will include four tracks:

Innovations in Self-Direction: Self-direction has evolved and become well-established since the three-state Cash & Counseling Demonstration and Evaluation in 1998. During the past 20 years, self-direction programs have expanded to every state and key operational issues have been standardized. This track will take a look at “what’s next?” in self-direction. Sessions may include the use of technology to support self-direction, self-direction and employment, value-based purchasing, self-direction under different funding mechanisms and different populations, and the impact of changing demographics and the need for long-term support.

Financial Management Services (FMS): Financial Management Services (FMS) sessions have always been the “backbone” of our conferences, and this year will be no exception. As national experts in self-direction, Applied Self-Direction is looked to for the most current information on critical FMS topics, as well as access to federal and state expertise. Sessions may include emerging issues in providing FMS, working with managed care organizations (MCOs), managing workforce issues such as shared staffing, payroll and tax complexities, and Workers’ Compensation.

Stories of Self-Direction: There is no better reminder of why our work is so important, than hearing stories from people who are in control of their services and supports. This track will highlight personal stories of self-direction as told by participants, their family members, and others who provide support. Session topics may include supported decision-making, worker recruitment and training, and innovative supports for self-direction.

Program Promising Practices: States and managed care organizations (MCOs) have provided key leadership in the development and growth of self-direction. This track will offer opportunities to hear directly from state program managers and MCO leaders about promising practices and approaches to self-direction in their state. Session topics may include the role of support brokers, background check requirements, strategies for increasing participation in self-direction with targeted populations, and communication strategies when implementing major program changes.

Monday, April 29, 2019 (All day) to Tuesday, April 30, 2019 (All day)
Applied Self-Direction
Event Type: