2006 CMS Systems Change Conference: Access to Community Living

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The CMS Systems Change conference, Transforming Systems: Keys to Success was held April 10-12 in Baltimore. Presentations from the 2006 sessions are available in both PDF and text formats. Topics range from ideas on system transformation, stakeholder involvement, coalition building, strategic planning, sustaining systems change, and the Deficit Reduction Act. Full titles are listed in the keywords section.
CMS; Grantee produced
Systems Transformation and Coalition Building; How to Meaningfully Involve Consumers and Other Stakeholders in Real Choice Systems Change; Coalition Building for Legislative Change: Texas Money Follows the Person Initiative; Coalition Building Across Public and Private Sectors; Making Community Living and Employment Work Through Coalition Building; The Future of Medicaid and Long Term Care; Learning to Lead: Models That Work; Leadership Academies: Programs of Support for Consumer Participation in Systems Change; Transforming Systems Through Leadership from Within; Advocacy Leadership in Systems Change; Measuring Success to Create Success; Application of Logic Modeling to Strategic Planning; Telling and Selling Your Grant's Story to Inform and Sustain Systems Change; Leadership in Strategic Planning Process; Managing Change: Tools and Techniques Lessons from Mental Health Systems Change and Transformation Initiatives; Development and Implementation of Effective Data Systems; Determining and Measuring Outcomes and Impact; Factors Leading to Sustainable Systems Change; Leading Systems Change from the Governor's Office; Deficit Reduction Act: New HCBS Opportunities


James Hixon
National Academy for State Health Policy

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/50926