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Behavioral Health Support for Older Adults

LECOM Health, an ACL 2024 CDSME Behavioral Health Training grantee, is seeking survey responses from community-based organizations and members of the Aging and Disability Network, including State Units on Aging, Area Agencies on Aging, and service providers working in senior centers and congregate meal sites. The purpose of the survey is to better understand the training needs of organizations supporting older adults with behavioral health challenges. The survey takes approximately 20 minutes to complete, the responses will be confidential and anonymous, and can be completed at once or saved and returned to. The survey closes on December 27, 2024.

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Did You Receive the Help You Needed? Quality Assurance and Training Drive Practice: Findings from the National Survey of Aging and Disability I&R/A Agencies

ADvancing States is pleased to publish findings from the Aging and Disability 2023 Information and Referral/Assistance (I&R/A) National Survey. This brief explores several dimensions of quality assurance and training, including I&R/A standards, quality assurance and improvement, outcome measures, staff training, and staff certification. The survey results demonstrate that agencies use a variety of means to ensure the quality of services provided. Quality assurance and training strengthen I&R/A service delivery and support effective services and outcomes.

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Apply for Person-Centered Planning Technical Assistance

The National Center on Advancing Person-Centered Practices and Systems is providing free technical assistance to states experiencing challenges implementing person-centered planning in compliance with the Home and Community-Services Final Rule requirements. NCAPPS works with human services agencies to create action plans and connect them to experienced subject matter experts to provide support in achieving their goals. The free NCAPPS technical assistance is available through the end of August 2025. The application process for states includes an online application form. States that apply by the end of the day on December 31, 2024, will receive priority review. Learn more and apply.

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Scam Alert

The Office of the Inspector General has issued a scam alert about potential Cost of Living Adjustments (COLA)-related scams. The Social Security Administration (SSA) announced its new COLA of 2.5 percent on October 10th. Annual Social Security COLA are automatic, and beneficiaries do not need to take any action or provide additional information to receive the legitimate increase. Hannibal "Mike" Ware, Acting Inspector General for the Social Security Administration, has warned the public to be wary of any communication that requests you to take extra steps or provide personal details for this increase. Scammers often disseminate false information about the steps you need to take to get your increase. Read the scam alert to learn more.

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New Resource for State Medicaid Programs

The Administration for Community Living with the support from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services and the National Association of Medicaid Directors has developed a resource for state Medicaid programs that details the benefits of leveraging Medicaid administrative claiming for No Wrong Door (NWD) System functions. The resource includes how state and community-based partners can obtain federal reimbursement for activities performed in support of Medicaid. Organizations like area agencies on aging, aging and disability resource centers, centers for independent living, etc. can benefit from this type of federal reimbursement.

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Informational Bulletin on State Compliance with Medicaid and CHIP Renewal Requirements

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services released an informational bulletin that provides information on the timing and expectations for all states to achieve compliance with all federal renewal requirements. All states are required to complete a compliance assessment, demonstrate compliance with federal Medicaid and CHIP renewal requirements described at 42 C.F.R. §§ 435.916 and 457.343 and submit a plan outlining steps and milestones for addressing identified areas of non-compliance to CMS by December 31, 2024. CMS also released a compliance template, which states should use to submit the compliance plan and a slide deck to serve as an additional resource on renewal compliance guidance.

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A Core Measure Set for Age-Friendly Health Care Delivery

The aging population is increasing, which means that more Medicare beneficiaries, especially those 75 and older, have considerable morbidity, diminished quality of life, and a high degree of caregiver burden. The increase of medically complex Medicare beneficiaries has created a need for developing core measures for tracking and improving the quality of care this population receives. This article discusses how to leverage Medicare Advantage to support diverse older patients, a different framework to improve quality in Medicare, and the development of a care set of measures for age-friendly care.

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