
Short Name: 

Understanding and Addressing Unmet Needs in HCBS Through the Lens of Person-Centered Practices

Event Description: 
Researchers at the Lurie Institute for Disability Policy conducted a study to learn how many people who use Home and Community-Based Services need more services than they receive and understand the connection between unmet HCBS needs and health and community living outcomes. During this webinar, panelists will discuss how the study can influence person-centered planning in HCBS, opportunities for improvement, and how to overcome challenges to advancing person-centered practices.

Innovation and Sustainability in Emergencies

Event Description: 
This webinar will feature a panel of representatives from state developmental disability (DD) councils who have engaged in innovative partnerships with FEMA, ACL, and CDC during COVID-19. Join this event to learn about new emergency management tools, including “pop-up” vaccination clinic and the Disability Information and Access Line (DIAL), and how federal agencies are working with DD councils to increase access to services for people with developmental disabilities.

How Blended, Braided or Sequenced Funding Can Help Drive Employment, Equity and Inclusion

Event Description: 
The LEAD Center is hosting a federal interagency webinar with ACL, the Department of Labor, the Department of Education, and the Social Security Administration about equity in employment. State practitioners across the workforce system will discuss how they successfully applied innovative, collaborative resource sharing to benefit businesses and job seekers with disabilities. 
This webinar will be held on Tuesday, March 22, 2022 from 3:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. ET.

The Many Facets of Advance Care Planning

Event Description: 
This webinar will cover advance care planning at Southcentral Foundation (SCF), where providers support patients in coming up with advance directives and taking steps to ensure they are carried out. The webinar will discuss the creation of advance directives, durable power of attorney for health care, living wills, DNR/DNI orders, patient rights, and more.

NEMT Listening Session 4: NEMT Coordination Topics – Brokers, MCO’s Community Transportation and Paratransit Services

Event Description: 

In this session, CMS is seeking input on broker arrangements as well as usage of community transportation and paratransit services, including topics such as:

• Access to services, timely arrival and drop off
• Rural issues
• Tribal land issues
• Coverage of transportation to services not provided by Medicaid

This session will be held on Wednesday, April 13, 2022 from 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m ET. 

NEMT Listening Session 3: Economic Factors and Cost Containment Challenges in NEMT

Event Description: 

In this session, CMS is seeking input on economics and cost containment, including topics such as:

• Transportation related expenses and direct payments
• Meals, lodging and payment for an attendant
• Transportation for beneficiaries with challenging behaviors
• Direct payments to beneficiaries, family, and volunteer drivers
• Broker conflict of interest (COI)
• Broker prohibition on providing transportation

This session will be held on Thursday, April 7, 2022 from 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. ET. 

NEMT Listening Session 2: Program Integrity, Correct Billing Concerns, Documentation and Data Requirements for NEMT Providers

Event Description: 

In this listening session, CMS is seeking input on program integrity, billing, documentation, and data requirements, including topics such as:

• No shows/payment for missed NEMT appointments
• No-shows for rides
• No load trips and/or miles
• Trips for non-medical services
• Trips to nowhere
• Late pick-ups and/or driver no-shows
• Up-coded services and exaggerated miles
• Inappropriate/unapproved transportation for family members
• Patient brokering, kickbacks, etc.

Using Data to Improve Outcomes: Sharing Experiences with Brain Injury Data

Event Description: 
The Virginia Department for Aging & Rehabilitative Services has used federal funding to support efforts by the Virginia Commonwealth University Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Model Systems team to learn how data can be used to identify effective practices and valuable outcomes for individuals affected by brain injury. This webinar will describe the Department's work identifying data related to brain injury and will discuss how data can support state agencies in creating comprehensive snapshots of what traumatic brain injury and quality of life looks like for Virginians.


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