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Using Consumer Satisfaction Information for Planning

This training from the Independent Living Research Utilization Program (ILRU) provides information on how you can gather feedback and input directly from consumers in your state to improve Independent Living programs. The presentation includes information about methods to gather and analyze data. Part 1 is about gathering information and part 2 is about implementing improvements.

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NCI-AD Webinars

The National Core Indicators-Aging and Disabilities (NCI-AD) is an initiative designed to support states’ interest in assessing the performance of their programs and delivery systems in order to improve services for older adults and individuals with physical disabilities. NCI-AD is a collaborative effort between ADvancing States and HSRI. The following is an archive of webinars about the NCI-AD initiative.

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FLSA Home Care Rule Toolkit

A resource for participant direction program stakeholders, this toolkit is in response to new rules promulgated by the US Department of Labor (DOL) that will take effect January 1, 2015. This webpage is designed to be your one-stop location for information and resources about the FLSA Home Care Final Rule and it's impact on participant direction programs. Resources include webinars, toolkits, and flowcharts. More resources will be added as they are developed.

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Weathering the Storm: The Impact of the Great Recession on Long-Term Services and Supports

The recession continues to affect state programs for older individuals and adults with physical disabilities. Demand for publicly funded services has grown, and resources, including staff, are stretched thin, according to this new 50-state study. 31 states have cut non-Medicaid aging and disability services programs in FY 2010, and 28 states were expecting to cut these programs in FY 2011. Find the research report, brief, video and compiled State profiles.

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You decide. Your help. Consumer Directed Video

Interested in how to use media to market your program? Minnesota has developed short video clips to make it easier for consumers to learn about “You Decide. Your Help.” The following video segments show viewers how to use the consumer directed service option to provide the help you need to continue to live at home. These clips give viewers the basic information on what the option is, who is eligible and who to contact for more information.

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