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Health Information Technology Successes-You Tube Channel

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) has a new YouTube channel. It shows successful health information technology projects that focus on ways to enhance quality measurement, preventive care & medication management. These videos provide insights for health services researchers, health care providers and patient advocates on how AHRQ research supports the use of health IT to improve quality, safety, efficiency and effectiveness of care.

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Aging and Disability Network Participant Direction Toolkit

Review this one-stop resource created by a team of agencies to help providers better understand, develop, and sustain participant-directed programs. The information is applicable whether funded by the Older Americans Act, Veterans Health Administration, State funds or other. The toolkit has two parts: one devoted to designing, managing and evaluating programs; the second on Financial Management Services (FMS). Resources include articles, forms, webinar recordings, state examples and charts.

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Integrating Medicare and Medicaid: Webinar

In light of the 26 states that have applied to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services for permission to integrate Medicare and Medicaid for dual eligibles, the webinar explained the processes involved in the demonstrations, with a focus on how the new systems will affect both assisted living and long-term services and supports. Visit the website to download a recording and slides from the presentation.

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Housing in America – The Baby Boomers Turn 65

The ULI published an article on the opportunities and challenges that the baby boomers has created for the U.S. housing industry. The challenge is to meet the diverse lifestyle needs of people in their senior years. Those who are moving desire urban locations where they can be close to many services such as restaurants, health care, and public transportation. The commonality across all aging baby boomers, however, is that they have an aversion to current and future institutional living.

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Putting your Aging and Disability Partnerships to Work for Your Bottom Line

This webinar examined how you can build on partnerships to take advantage of new funding opportunities, expand funding, and share resources with partners on grant writing and business development. Specifically, participants will be able to 1) understand why and how partnerships are beneficial to a sustainable program, 2) learn how to integrate opportunities for collaboration between disability and aging service systems, and 3) learn the concept of program sustainability and why it is important.

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Raising Expectations: A State Scorecard on Long-Term Services and Supports for Older Adults, People with Physical Disabilities, and Family Caregivers

Certain states significantly outperform others in the delivery of long-term services and supports (LTSS) to older adults and people with disabilities. The report examines four key dimensions of state LTSS system performance: affordability and access; choice of setting and provider; quality of life and quality of care; support for family caregivers. It assesses each state's performance overall as well as on 25 indicators, some of which measured for the first time. Compare data on the website.

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Lives Worth Living Documentary

The Public Broadcasting System (PBS) is premiering the documentary film about the history of the decades-long struggle for equal rights for people with disabilities. The film tells the story of the disability rights movement in America, which began after WWII when disabled veterans returned home; and culminated in 1990 with the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act. The website has an Interactive Timeline of the Disability Rights Movement, a talk back section, and footage from the film.

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Scorecard Offers Vision of Improved Long Term Services: Podcast

With the first wave of 70 million baby boomers turning 65 this year, use of long-term services and supports (LTSS), which include home care, assisted living, and nursing home care, is on the rise. In this podcast, the authors and funders of a new scorecard measuring the performance of state LTSS systems, a resource that should help policymakers and providers identify gaps and develop solutions.

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Identifying Effective Health Care Services for Adults with Disabilities Choosing Wisely: Why Study Designs and Outcome Measures Matter

Adults with disabilities have diverse, complex, and expensive needs for health care services, costing the health care system $398 billion in 2006. This group, which represented 14 percent of the adult population in 2008, will grow larger in the future. This report discusses study designs and outcome measures that can be used to address different comparative research questions. Policymakers, practitioners, and the public need a better understanding of what works for study designs.

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Person-Centered Thinking Tools: Video

What is meant by person centred approaches, thinking and planning?Review a series of nine videos about person-centered planning. The goal of this project is to provide support for the creation of best practice and its implementation by individuals and agencies. Topics include history of lifestyle planning, training, how to get started and personal stories.

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