Archived conference materials / Presentations

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Sustainability: Sustaining a Nonprofit Organization

Throughout the development process, programs must consider the steps to sustainability including people, planning and preparation, publicity/public relations, facilities, programs, policies and procedures, and persistence and positive passion. This entry includes a paper by Florene Stewart Poyadue offered to Family to Family grantees during a technical assistance call, plus the transcripts from the session where participants discussed the 7Ps of sustainability.

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SAMHSA's Resource Center to Promote Acceptance, Dignity and, Social Inclusion Associated with Mental Health (ADS Center) — Archived Training Teleconference Calls

The SAMHSA ADS Center hosts free training teleconferences. These events generally consist of two or more formal presentations followed by an open forum. Participants present and discuss the most up-to-date research and information about stigma and stigma-reduction programs and topics. Since scheduling conflicts often prevent many stakeholders from joining in the live events, the teleconference trainings are archived online for individuals or groups to utilize at their convenience.

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AcademyHealth\'s Annual Research Meeting Presentation Slides 2006

The 2006 Annual Research Meeting is AcademyHealth's premier forum for health services research. Leading health services researchers and policymakers attended the meeting to hear the latest findings on critical health care delivery topics such as Medicare, coverage & access, disparities, health information technology, long-term care, health care quality, and patient safety. Review the agenda, presentations and webcasts covering 18 major areas of health services research & policy.

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Deficit Reduction Act Teleconference Archive

Review the archives from the June 28, 2006 Deficit Reduction Act teleconference with Kathy Rama and Donna Schmidt of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. The call includes discussion of section 1937 and the option of states to amend their state plan to provide alternative benefit packages to beneficiaries, without regard to comparability, statewideness, freedom of choice or other traditional Medicaid requirements.

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2006 CMS Systems Change Conference: Access to Community Living

The CMS Systems Change conference, Transforming Systems: Keys to Success was held April 10-12 in Baltimore. Presentations from the 2006 sessions are available in both PDF and text formats. Topics range from ideas on system transformation, stakeholder involvement, coalition building, strategic planning, sustaining systems change, and the Deficit Reduction Act. Full titles are listed in the keywords section.

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National MIG Technical Assistance Summary and Conference Presentations

This Special Edition of NCHSD’s monthly eNews summarizes promising practices, information sharing, and strategic thinking from the November 2005 National MIG Technical Assistance Conference. Topics include: Work and Recovery, Strategies to reach full eligibility, Outcomes tracking requirements, Strategic planning, Attitudinal barriers to employment, The future of Medicaid, Research efforts and challenges and Advocates as key stakeholders. Presentation materials are available on CD or on-line.

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Grading the Evidence for Consumer-Driven Services Webcast

Download transcripts and slides or view this workshop discussing the evidence base for consumer-operated, delivered, and centered services. Speakers presented the evidence grading pyramid, along with the specific levels of evidence for models such as recovery self-management, drop-in centers, advance directives, and self-directed care. A special focus is on the results of the national multi-site research study of consumer-operated service programs (COSP), directed by people in recovery.

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White House Conference on Aging 2005: Presentations

Held in December 2005, this decennial event was designed to develop recommendations for additional research and action in the field of aging. The 2005 conference occurs as the first wave of the baby boom generation prepares for retirement, creating an opportunity to reassess aging in America and focus on the lives of older Americans. Review the presentations from selected sessions; topics include policy issues, long term care, civil and social engagement, and the workplace of the future.

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Parent Leadership: Creating Partnerships During Health Care Visits

Family Voices of North Dakota developed two presentations to assist families in advocacy, navigate the health care system and create collaborative relationships with health care providers and payers. Review the first presentation <i>Getting the Most From Your Health Care Visits</i> for helpful ideas. The second presentation <i>Parent Leadership: Creating Partnerships</i> offers practical tools in care coordination.

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