Archived conference materials / Presentations

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New Jersey Family Care - Website and Presentations

New Jersey Family Care is a federal and state-funded health insurance program which helps uninsured children receive affordable health coverage. The SPAN of NJ program has developed a number of presentations that explain their program, provide an overview of all medical insurance options, individual health plans and the other vital information. Presentation titles include: New Jersey Family Care, Medically Necessary Services, Individual Health Plan, EPSDT, and Medical Insurance.

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The Medical Home Concept Presentations

Medical Home is an initiative funded by the MCH Bureau and HRSA and administered by SPAN of New Jersey as an approach to providing high quality, cost effective health services. The concept is for coordinated & respectful health care partnership among a child, his/her parents and the child’s Primary Care Provider. The presentations provide an overview of partnering. Titles includes: The Medical Home, Why do Parents Get Involved, Parent Professional Collaboration, and Partnering with Providers.

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Public Policy Advocacy for Social Change and Family Involvement Presentations

The presentation from the Statewide Parent Advocacy Network of New Jersey discusses advocacy and the elements necessary to effect social change: strategic planning, information and research, involvement of others, support for parent participation, diversity and outreach, leadership building, understanding public policy and the legislative cycle, and effective advocacy strategies. Available in English and Spanish, these presentations address how families can be involved in the advocacy process.

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Strengthening Families: The Key to Safe & Healthy Children

<i>Standards for Family-Serving Programs: Building Success through Family Support.</i> The Statewide Parent Advocacy Network (SPAN) of New Jersey provided this presentation defines family support and details the components of successful family support programs: beliefs in principles, effective practice standards, and effective administration standards. The presentation was developed by The NJ Task Force on Child Abuse & Neglect & Family Support America.

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Creating Inclusive Communities For Everyone - Conference

The CT Real Choice statewide conference will be held September 16, 2005. Participants will spend the day in meaningful dialogue and discussion around one central question: “How can I help build a welcoming, accessible, and inclusive community that supports all its residents to be full participants?” The Keynote address will serve as a catalyst for an “Open Space Marketplace of Ideas” on building inclusive communities. Bring your ideas, passions, concerns and questions to share and explore.

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Telling the Performance Story of the Real Choice Systems Change Grants

This presentation reviews important changes CMS is making in the reporting system for FY04 RCSC grants. The slides provide an overview of the “why and how of the proposed changes” offers next steps and introduces the Logic Model Framework. The Logic Model is a tool for strategic planning and program evaluation. This presentation notifies grantees of upcoming changes to the web-based reporting system and introduces the systems terminology, context and concepts.

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The Revised 1915(c) Waiver Application Presentation

CMS recently hosted a teleconference to provide an overview of the recently released draft 1915 (c) Medicaid Waiver Application. The presentation offered information on the development of the application including incorporation of comments from states; the protocol for use of the application in its draft form; design and development of the web based application including plans for Beta testing; information on CMS training events and the roll out plan which includes an evaluation component.

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Cash and Counseling: Part of the Long-Term Care Answer?

This Congressional briefing examined the \"Cash and Counseling\" program, which provides an individualized allowance that Medicaid beneficiaries can use to hire a personal care assistant of their choice - often a family caregiver - or purchase items that help them live independently, such as chair lifts. As policymakers look to the future, what are the lessons learned from the first phase of the cash and counseling program?

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File Downloads / Links Technology Project and Presentations is the state ADRC information network and they have shared a number of resources offering information on their Information and Assistance Datebase. Included in this posting are three presentations: a. An overview of the database b. the ADRC role c. Consumer use of resources. The technology business case summaries the impact of the database system. The technology project management document details the roles and responsibilities of individuals who operate the resources.

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Self-Direction in Mental Health Education Training Series

SAMHSA’s Center for Mental Health Services (CMHS) webcasts were broadcast March 16, April 6 and May 25, 2005. Titles Included: 1. Self-Direction and Its Relationship to Mental Health-Principles: Tools of Self-Direction. 2. Models of Self-Direction in Mental Health: What's out there? 3. Self-Direction in Mental Health-From Ideas to Action: Funding Self-Directed Care in Mental Health and Helping People Make It Happen. Materials include presentation slides, resource links and discussion questions.

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