Archived conference materials / Presentations

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Reasonable Accommodation: Presentation, Articles and FAQ

How do you define reasonable accommodation? The process is about accommodating a qualified person with a disability; it is about problem resolution and is a key nondiscrimination requirement. Alaska MIG grantees put together a presentation to explain that not every employee with a disability is going to need an accommodation but, others are excluded because of unnecessary barriers in the workplace. Two articles are included that generate interest in the training plus a two-page FAQ fact sheet.

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Reaching Out to Elderly Minorities, Immigrants, and Refugees

Iowa offered this web-based seminar to assist senior Medicare patrols in educating and reaching out to diverse older populations. There are three presentations which offer information on demographics and outreach. Certain specific populations are addressed including Asians, Eastern Europeans, East Africans, and Religious Communities, African Americans, Latinos, and Native Americans.

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Gateways: West Virginia’s Comprehensive Employment System Overview

The West Virginia Medicaid Infrastructure (MIG) is transitioning to Comprehensive Employment Strategies (CES) Grant. The CES grant has 3 major goals: Maximizing employment for people with disabilities, Increasing the state’s labor force through the inclusion of people with disabilities, Protecting and enhancing workers’ healthcare, other benefits and needed supports. Review the presentation and overview of their strategic plan including a comprehensive workforce infrastructure.

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Housing Teleconference - June 2007: Think Tank Call of Integrated Long-term Care Coordinated with Supportive Housing Grantees

For over a decade, Pennsylvania's Housing Finance Agency (PHFA) has been developing products and supports that address the needs of people with disabilities of all ages. Listen as they discuss rental housing initiatives, developments in tenant-based rental assistance, and home ownership. Representatives discussed cutting edge approaches and unique responses to the challenges of working to build inclusive communities, while steadily improving the state level partnerships and leveraging resources.

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Foundations in Behavioral Healthcare: Integrating approaches to planning effective interventions for adults with mental illness, substance use disorders and cognitive impairments living in public housing - A Training Curriculum

This trainings series was developed in the Fall of 2006 by DATA of Rhode Island. The goals are to provide a foundation of behavioral health care knowledge and skills for human service workers who work with adults with a range of disabilities, with an ultimate goal of human service workers helping to affect better outcomes for the persons they serve. Each of the 14 training seminar ranges in duration from 3-6 hours. Review each training curriculum module which contains the outline and slides.

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The A, B, C and D’s of Medicare

The manual is subtitled the Long-Term Care Options Counseling Tool Kit: A Professional’s Guide. It describe the four parts of Medicare Part A, B, C and D; describes who is eligible for Medicare Coverage; explains the roles of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Social Security Administration and private companies as they relate to Medicare; and explains the concepts of deductibles, coinsurance and premiums.

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Work as an Expectation: Supported Employment as an Evidence Based Practice

What is Supported Employment? The following presentations, brochures and manuals explain the ways that supported employment helps consumers find and maintain meaningful jobs in the community. The Alaska MIG grantees have shared two presentations and brochure on the principles of supported employment. The manual is designed as a guide for employment specialist.

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Person Centered Planning Presentations

These Person Centered Planning (PCP) presentations discuss how PCP allows consumers to plan for their preferences and do this throughout their lifespan. Presentations focus of the individual within his/her family and community and the relationships that affect PCP. The focus throughout is to identify personal preferences and to develop the plan for the future.

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