Archived conference materials / Presentations

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2007 CMS New Freedom Initiative Conference: Access to Community Living: Promoting Independence and Choice

The 7th CMS New Freedom Initiative Conference was held March 5-7 in Baltimore. Presentations are available in both PDF and text formats. “Choice and Independence” is a key pillar of CMS’ vision for a person-centered long term services and supports system for the future. The 2007 conference focused on the policies, programs, and tools -including opportunities authorized by the Deficit Reduction Act– available to shape and carry out the vision.

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Consumer Direction Presentation(s): Colorado

This group of presentations were offered around the state of Colorado in regional training sessions. The day focused on various aspects of consumer direction, including case managers, Medicaid options, and working with personal-care attendants. Other presentations include transitioning a child to consumer-directed health care and a presentation on the benefits, rights, and responsibilities of consumer direction.

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Real Choice Marketing Campaign Awareness Study

These three presentations provide information about the Utah Real Choice marketing and awareness efforts. The “UCare” program was established as part of the grant and the surveys were conducted in 2004, 2005 and 2006. Using telephone surveys, survey participants were asked about their awareness and understanding of the UCare program before and after the marketing campaign.

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Meeting Summary: Money Follows the Person: Financing and Budgeting

This document summarizes the meeting on Money Follows the Person: Financing and Budgeting, convened by Rutgers Center for State Health Policy and the National Academy for State Health Policy, held on September 11-13, 2006 in Olympia, Washington. Participants discussed budgeting and financing approaches states can use to assist their residents in moving from institutions to community settings. This document will provide a brief description of the meeting and a guide to resources that were shared.

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Nursing Facility Transition and Diversion -- Module 6 & Appendix

Michigan developed a six-part training on transition and diversion. Module 6, the final module in this series, is an overview of organizational impact and collaboration in nursing facility transition. This section provides information on how developing nursing facility transition capacity may impact an organization and team. It also provides information on “bringing all the resources” together. The Appendix is also included.

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Nursing Facility Transition and Diversion - Module 5: Transition, Follow-up, Tools and Resources

Michigan developed a six-part training on transition and diversion. Module 5 guides service providers through the transition periods and its follow-up. Handouts include transition planning guidelines and timelines, nursing facility transition services, and expenditure reports.

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Nursing Facility Transition and Diversion - Module 4: Nuts and Bolts of Transition

Michigan developed a six-part training on transition and diversion. Module 4 presents the basic components of a successful transition. Again, person-centered planning is a main component of the transition and helps set the goals for the process, as well as an accurate way to gauge its success. In addition, this module discusses the need for housing, financial management, and transportation in a successful transition.

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Nursing Facility Transition & Diversion - Module 3: Outreach Activities

Michigan developed a six-part training on transition and diversion. Module 3 discusses outreach activities in nursing facility transition and diversion. It reviews different methods of outreach and how they can be developed to be effective forms of marketing. In addition, information for outreach contacts and resources is provided.

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