2007 CMS New Freedom Initiative Conference: Access to Community Living: Promoting Independence and Choice
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The 7th CMS New Freedom Initiative Conference was held March 5-7 in Baltimore. Presentations are available in both PDF and text formats. “Choice and Independence” is a key pillar of CMS’ vision for a person-centered long term services and supports system for the future. The 2007 conference focused on the policies, programs, and tools -including opportunities authorized by the Deficit Reduction Act– available to shape and carry out the vision.
The Challenge to Change - From Better to Great; Thomas Nerney; Creating Flexible Funding Streams: What Does It Mean? ; Patricia Polansky; Robert Kafka; Transparency: 20/20 Traversing of the System; Michael Head; Krista Boston; Developing a Mental Health System that Maximizes Recovery; Pamela Werner; Shawn Terrell; Quality Assurance in HCBS: Federal Vision, Approaches and Resource; Jean Moody-Williams; D.E.B. Potter; Consumer Control and Systems Change: The Positive Impact on State and Federal Policy; Mike Oxford; Darlene O’Connor; Supportive Housing Strategies: HUD and State Perspectives; Gerald Stolp; Thomas Keating; Cassie James; Application of CMS Quality Management Strategy: Self-Direction and Risk; Beth Jackson; Suzanne Crisp; Karen McKim; The 36 Hour Day: The Overlooked Workforce; Susan C. Reinhard; Angela Greene; Kelly Stahlman; Coordinating Institutional Transitions and Diversions: Changing the Direction of LTC System Pathways; Kimberly Nelson; Jennifer Burnett; Driving Toward a More Balanced LTC System: The Important Role of Transportation Services; Lynnda Bassham; Planning/Support Brokers; Inclusion; Individual Budgets; Housing; Work and Transportation; Expanding Options for Home and Community Based Services; Suzanne Bosstick; Henry Claypool; Self-Direction: Functions in Support of Self-Direction; Keith Jones; Abby Hulme; Benefit Flexibility through Benchmark Plans: Rightsizing It for Consumers; Mary Ellen Wright; Benefits Counseling: A Proven Strategy for Promoting Independence and Self-Sufficiency for Individuals with Disabilities; Alice Porter Building Natural Supports by Connecting Individuals with Disabilities and Community Members; Angela Novak Amado; Cathy Ludlum; Medicaid and Transformation: STEPs to RECOVERY; Daniel Fisher; Promoting Choice and Independence through Employment; Mary Alice Mowry; Rebalancing Long Term Supports: Measuring Your Progress; Lisa Alecxih; Robert Kane, M.D.; Brian Burwell
National Academy for
State Health Policy