Aging/Older Adults

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Northeast Florida AAA Continuity of Operations and Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan

The State of Florida is vulnerable to a variety of hazards that threaten its citizens and the Northeast Florida AAA had developed both a number of resources in disaster preparedness. The Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan encompasses recognition of responsibilities in the event of a disaster. The continuity of Operations (COOP) Plan establishes policy and guidance to ensure the execution of the AAA mission essential functions.

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Maryland Access Point (ADRC) Advisory Board and Sub-committee Job Descriptions

The role of the Maryland Access Point (MAP) Advisory Board is to guide the design and operations of the Resource Center. MAP developed the attached job descriptions to assist board members in carrying out their roles efficiently. The board is composed of individuals representing all populations served by the program, including individuals who have a disability or a chronic condition and public, private, and government agencies that provide services to individuals served by the program.

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HCBS Quality Indicators for Home and Community-Based Services in Maine

This report provides summary information on the performance of Maine’s home and community based care system. The data can be used to identify areas where the system is working and people are satisfied and also points to areas where further analysis would be helpful. The quality indicators are for the following programs: Older Adults and Adults with Disabilities, Adults with Physical Disabilities - Who Self Direct and Adults with Mental Retardation/Autism.

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Florida Medicaid Waiver: Key Program Changes and Issues

In October 2005, CMS approved a Section 1115 waiver, allowing fundamental changes in their program. This fact sheet summarizes the main themes of Florida's Medicaid waiver and discusses key issues for consideration in assessing the waiver's impact. The state is looking to increase personal responsibility, market competition, and participation in private coverage.

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Evaluation of Ohio\'s PASSPORT Program: Request for Proposal

The Ohio Department of Aging (ODA) is seeking proposals from parties interested in organizing and executing an independent evaluation of PASSPORT (Preadmission Screening System Providing Options and Resources Today), the state's home and community-based services Medicaid waiver program. The program provides in-home alternatives to nursing home care for low-income seniors. The RFP and supporting material serve as an example of the products necessary to produce during a proposal process.

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Request for Proposals: Measuring Quality through Individual Experience Surveys

The Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services (DADS) issued a RFP for an independent contractor to conduct consumer surveys by soliciting consumer feedback. DADS provides a comprehensive array of aging and disability services, supports, and opportunities that are easily accessed in local communities. The project will survey people recieving services through face to face interviews and mailings. This document serves as a guide for other grantees looking to prepare an RFP.

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ADRC Functional Staffing Model and Job Descriptions

The goal of the New Hampshire Resource Center project is to integrate the current information and assistance (ServiceLink) program with the state assessment and counseling program. This ADRC pilot program has shared their functional staffing model and job descriptions. In addition to being a visual illustration of staff resources, the documents also provide basic purpose, accountabilities and requirements for the Center Manager, Long Term Support Counselor, and Referral Specialist.

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Taking Care: Ethical Caregiving in Our Aging Society

<i>Taking Care</i>, a report to the President by the Council on Bioethics, addresses the ethical challenges of caregiving in our rapidly aging society, with special attention to the care of people with dementia. The report aims to enrich public discussions about aging, dementia, and caregiving, to encourage policymakers to take up these complicated yet urgent issues, and to offer ethical guidance for caregivers—professional and familial.

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How Do Hired Workers Fare Under Consumer-Directed Personal Care?

This study describes the experiences of workers hired under consumer direction. The Cash and Counseling model does not appear to cause adverse consequences for the hired workers. Directly hired workers report high levels of job satisfaction and do not suffer physical or emotional hardship beyond what might be expected for individuals providing care to relatives. This report offers other information implications about consumers, their families and workers’ well-being.

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