Aging/Older Adults

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TAE Issue Brief: Relevance of Health Literacy

Health literacy can be defined as “the degree to which people can obtain, process, and understand basic health information and services they need to make appropriate health decisions. Awareness that people with low health literacy skills face difficulties accessing and navigating the health care system has prompted greater emphasis on making communications clear and easy-to-read. This issue brief offers recommendations and resources particularly for resource centers.

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ADRC Stakeholder Satisfaction Report: A Comprehensive Assessment of Consumer and Board Member Satisfaction

This report summarizes the results of the Massachusetts qualitative consumer satisfaction surveys with both ADRC consumers and surveys of the Consumer Board and Community Partners Advisory Board. The report contains the survey tool, methodology, findings and recommendations to improve satisfaction among these key stakeholder groups as part of the ADRC project’s continuous quality improvement approach.

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Adult Children: The Likelihood of Providing Care for an Older Parent

Most long-term care provided to older persons living in the community is provided by family and friends. Among family caregivers, adult children are most likely to assume the role of primary caregiver. This <i>Profile</i> provides data about adult children who are primary caregivers to an older parent that needs assistance performing one or more basic everyday activities.

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Who Stays and Who Goes Home: Using National Data on Nursing Home Discharges and Long-Stay Residents to Draw Implications for Nursing Home Transition Programs

This report analyzes survey data to describe the characteristics of two groups of nursing home residents who are 65 years or older: those discharged back to the community over a one year time period and those who remain in nursing homes longer than 90 days. As some states turn their attention to returning nursing home residents to the community, this report offers insights on who to target in transition programs and what level and types of community resources are needed.

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2005 Real Choice Systems Change Grant Awards

As part of the New Freedom Initiative, 17 states have been awarded Real Choice System Changes grants. The $25.8 million in grants is to help people of all ages with disabilities or long-term illnesses live in their homes and participate fully in community life. Review the list of Systems Transformation Grant Awardees and Family to Family Health Information and Education Center Awardees.

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Aged/Disabled Medicaid HCBS Waiver Programs and Family Caregiving

This Issue Brief summarizes the results of a recent descriptive study, Medicaid and Family Caregiving: Services, Supports and Strategies Among Aged/Disabled HCBS Waiver Programs in the U.S. (Feinberg & Newman, 2005). This issue brief is the first to characterize and analyze the role of Medicaid HCBS waiver programs in supporting family and informal caregivers of frail elders and adults with disabilities. The brief highlights key findings and summarizes conclusions.

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Family Caregiver Support Services: Sustaining Unpaid Family and Friends in a Time of Public Fiscal Constraint

This AARP Public Policy Institute fact sheet and report outlines the need for publicly funded respite services for family caregivers and describes the types available. The research concludes that publicly funded caregiver support programs play an important role in sustaining and strengthening the unpaid, informal care provided by families.

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Medicaid and Family Caregiving: Services, Supports and Strategies Among Aged/Disabled HCBS Waiver Programs in the U.S.

The majority of public funding in the US for home and community-based care comes from Medicaid. Yet we know relatively little about how and in what ways Medicaid HCBS waiver programs support family caregivers or how such waiver services coordinate with other federal or state-funded caregiver programs. This descriptive study is the first to characterize and analyze the role of Medicaid HCBS waiver programs in supporting family and informal caregivers of frail elders and adults with disabilities.

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