Aging/Older Adults

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Pulling Together: Administrative and Budget Consolidation of State Long-Term Care Services

Can agency consolidation bring about consistent policymaking and focus long term care services on persons with disabilities rather than on program providers? This AARP Public Policy Institute Issue Paper provides readers with an examination of a consolidated agency approach, by studying agency structure, reviewing the arguments for consolidation, and the barriers to achieving it. It also reviews several states accomplishing consolidation and a checklist of steps towards such a model.

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Staying the Course: Trends in Family Caregiving

Informal caregiving has long been the most common source of long-term care for older persons with disability however; a number of factors such as demographic trends may reduce the supply of traditional family caregivers and changes in the LTC delivery system indicate the need to track the changes. This paper examines key trends in family caregiving patterns. The findings should help to inform public policy debates and the data provides evidence of the need to provide adequate long-term services.

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Maryland Access Point (ADRC) –Interagency MOU and MOA

The following Memorandum of Understanding and Memorandum of Agreement are examples between agencies including the Maryland Departments of Aging, Disabilities, Health and Mental Hygiene, and Human Resources and the Office on Aging. Use the state-level or local country forms as templates to creating your own agreements.

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Maryland Access Point (ADRC) Marketing and Outreach Plan

This draft marketing plan from the Maryland Access Point (MAP), the ADRC program in Maryland, primarily addresses the marketing of the web-based information system in development. In order to reach the range of audiences, the MAP project has consulted with an outside agency to create a wide mix of mediums including print collateral, cable, radio, and website advertising. Review the phases of their upcoming outreach.

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Link-Age Aging Resource Connection-Indiana’s ADRC Brochure, PSA and Website

Part of the national Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC) network, Link-Age is an evolving concept in Indiana and growing. The informational brochure provides consumers a way to discover their website and the video provides another way to get information. From the site you can either be connected to a local agency’s web site or search the database for resources.

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The New Hampshire Home Care Connections Project: Results of the Needs Survey at Baseline Summer 2005

This baseline survey has the reviews of professionals working with those at risk of losing their subsidized housing and entering a nursing facility due to emotional, cognitive, or behavioral issues. The survey was also used to better understand and identify risk factors, and import services, associated with nursing home placement, its avoidance, and training needs.

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Distressed Conditions in Developments for the Elderly and Persons with Disabilities and Strategies Used for Improvement

A new GAO report examined public housing developments occupied primarily by elderly persons and non-elderly persons with disabilities. Review the data on severely distressed housing and the ways in which such housing can be improved. This report examines the methods used to reduce the level of social distress and strategies to improve physical and social conditions.

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White House Conference on Aging 2005: Presentations

Held in December 2005, this decennial event was designed to develop recommendations for additional research and action in the field of aging. The 2005 conference occurs as the first wave of the baby boom generation prepares for retirement, creating an opportunity to reassess aging in America and focus on the lives of older Americans. Review the presentations from selected sessions; topics include policy issues, long term care, civil and social engagement, and the workplace of the future.

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Prioritization Assessment Instrument and Form: Florida

The attached assessment tools are used statewide throughout the Aging Network to collect information to streamline the eligibility determination referral process. Individuals with a high priority based on the screening are referred for a comprehensive assessment prior to care plan development and enrollment for services.

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