
Short Name: 

Financial Protection for Older Adults During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Event Description: 

Join experts from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), and ACL on Tuesday, February 23 at 1 pm ET for a free webinar on financial protection of older adults during the COVID pandemic. The FCC will begin the program with an overview of coronavirus-related phone scams targeting older adults. The CFPB will share resources to help older adults address the financial impact of the pandemic. HHS will conclude the webinar with a discussion of the role of the aging services network.


Unfair and Unequal: Covid-19 and People with Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities

Event Description: 
Join the Lurie Institute and the Community Living Policy Center for a webinar discussion between disability community members, self-advocates, and policy researchers. This conversation will elevate the policy and lived experience impacts of COVID-19 among people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Leaders and experts from the disability community will consider lessons learned, future federal policies, and ways that policies that promote Home and Community-based Services can provide more equitable social justice during this pandemic.

Catalyst 2021: Informational Webinar 2

Event Description: 
CTIA Wireless Foundation launched Catalyst 2021, a $175,000 grant program for emerging companies and nonprofits using wireless technology to improve health and well-being in the United States. Catalyst's ideal candidate has the potential and infrastructure to make a real impact but faces barriers to accessing capital. Organizations whose leadership primarily comprises BIPOC, women, and veterans are strongly encouraged to apply.

Catalyst 2021: Informational Webinar 1

Event Description: 
CTIA Wireless Foundation launched Catalyst 2021, a $175,000 grant program for emerging companies and nonprofits using wireless technology to improve health and well-being in the United States. Catalyst's ideal candidate has the potential and infrastructure to make a real impact but faces barriers to accessing capital. Organizations whose leadership primarily comprises BIPOC, women, and veterans are strongly encouraged to apply.

Self-Advocacy for Women Living with Paralysis

Event Description: 
This webinar will examine what self-advocacy is and where it can take place as well as explore disability stereotypes and gender socialization patterns that can present obstacles to practicing self-advocacy for women living with paralysis. By learning about these social inequalities, attendees will have greater awareness of power differences and be able to exert greater control over the oppression they face in their advocacy efforts.

Bridging the Digital Divide for HCBS Beneficiaries (Part I)

Event Description: 
The COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (PHE) has left many older adults and people with disabilities grieving the loss of close relationships and a sense of community due to physical distancing orders, staffing shortages, and the closing of day programs. All this takes a considerable toll on their physical and mental well-being. The transition to telemedicine and virtual services in place of in-person services has helped expand care to millions.

4th Annual Older Adult Mental Health Awareness Day Symposium

Event Description: 

Public health practitioners, professionals in the aging network, mental health providers, health care professionals, and anyone interested in ensuring the mental health of older adults should attend this free, virtual event on May 6, 2021.

The symposium is brought to you by NCOA, the U.S. Administration for Community Living, and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Registration is free and will open in March.


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