
Short Name: 

Applying Person Centered Planning and Thinking Principles in the Delivery of Supports & Services for Persons Living with a Traumatic Brain Injury

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This is the third and final webinar in a series of webinars from NASHIA focused on person centered planning. The first webinar was held Thursday, May 17 and served as an introduction to the general concepts of person centered thinking. The second webinar took place Thursday, May 31 and focused on moving from thinking to planning and the details of documentation.

Navigating the No Wrong Door Medicaid Administrative Claiming Workbook and Toolkit

Event Description: 

ACL is hosting the third webinar in a series on navigating the No Wrong Door Medicaid Administrative Claiming Workbook and Toolkit. This webinar will focus on tools related to drafting and testing claiming codes, calculating cost pools and developing interagency agreements or MOUs. Learn more about states' experiences and how engaging with stakeholders and partners can help a state begin the process of implementing Medicaid claiming. 

Legal Basics: Medicaid Appeals

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This webinar will discuss Medicaid applicants’ right to appeal the denial, limitation, reduction, termination, or suspension of Medicaid services. It will cover Medicaid due process protections, the different Medicaid appeal processes, and ways to address obstacles frequently encountered during the appeal process. Presenters are Eric Carlson and Jennifer Goldberg, Directing Attorneys at Justice in Aging.  

This webinar is a continuation from previous NCLER Medicaid webinars, and it may be helpful for participants to review these webinars prior to attending.

VA Caregiver Support

Event Description: 

Serving veterans and caregivers with information, referrals, assistance and other supports is an important component of work within aging and disability networks. Join this webinar to learn about resources for caregivers of veterans. The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Caregiver Support Program offers a menu of services to support family members and friends who care for Veterans at home and in their communities.

Electronic Visit Verification for Personal Care Services, Home Health: Understanding and Implementing New CURES Act Requirements

Event Description: 

The 21st Century Cures Act requires that state Medicaid programs have Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) in place for personal care services (PCS) by January 1, 2019 and home health care services (HHCS) by January 1, 2023. The implementation of EVV is complicated and provides a challenge for many states. This webinar is meant to help states cope with this challenge by providing a thorough overview of the implications of the new rules, including a discussion of how states might effectively implement EVV.

Person-First Language: Why it Matters

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Amputee Coalition is a non-profit organization dedicated to empowering people affected by limb loss to achieve their full potential through education, support and advocacy, and to promoting limb loss prevention. They are hosting a webinar May 17 from 1:00- 2:00 p.m. ET to talk about the importance of using person-first language. This webinar will include personal stories about the impact of different language choices and provide you with the knowledge to make an informed choice about the words you use when describing the limb loss community.

Supporting Older Adults with Substance Use Disorders

Event Description: 

Resources for Integrated Care is hosting a webinar on Wednesday, May 16 from 12:00-1:30 p.m. ET. This webinar will focus on the growing number of older adults with substance use disorders (SUD). In particular, dually eligible beneficiaries are at a much higher risk of experiencing co-occurring chronic pain and substance use disorder than Medicare only beneficiaries. During this webinar, presenters will review SUD screening tools, go over the diagnosis process, and discuss how people can access appropriate treatment resources.


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