
Short Name: 

The Hidden Storm: Aging, Chronic Pain and Opioid Addiction

Event Description: 

Some older adults may face a difficult combination of chronic pain coupled with alcohol and opioid addiction. This webinar from ASA’s Healthcare and Aging Network (HAN) will examine older adult opioid and alcohol addiction in a bio-psychosocial context. Presenters will offer new insight and effective tools for aging care to help Aging Life Care professionals evaluate the presence of opioid and-or alcohol addiction and support addiction recovery and humane pain management for older adults. 

Health and Health Care Utilization Findings from the Nutrition Services Program Outcomes Evaluation

Event Description: 
The Title III-C Nutrition Services Program (NSP) under the Older Americans Act is intended to promote access to nutritious meals, facilitate social contact, and support family caregivers. In order to assess program effectiveness, ACL has conducted a Title III-C NSP Client Outcomes Evaluation which measures the program’s effects on a variety of key outcomes. The National Resource Center on Nutrition and Aging is hosting a webinar to discuss the results and conclusions from the evaluation.

Innovative Projects for Nutrition Programs and Services: Part 2

Event Description: 
In 2017 ACL issued a funding opportunity for the Innovations in Nutrition Programs and Services grant. This grant was designed to support systematic testing and documentation of innovative and promising practices that would enhance the quality, effectiveness, and proven outcomes of nutrition services and programs within the aging services network.

Telephone Town Hall on Diabetes Prevention

Event Description: 
One in three adults has pre-diabetes and 90 percent are unaware. The African American/Black Community is especially at risk for the condition. Join AARP and 100 Black Men of America (The 100) for a Telephone Town Hall on diabetes prevention on November 7, 2018 from 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. ET. Participants will hear from experts at Johns Hopkins University and the American Diabetes Association about pre-diabetes, why it’s important, how to quickly assess their risk and what they can do to possibly reverse the condition.

Medicaid waiting lists and IDD — what states, providers and clients need to know

Event Description: 

As state waiting lists grow for Intellectual & Developmental Disability (IDD) programs, states are pursuing new solutions to build their provider networks, and providers are exploring new ways to help clients gain access to a system with ever-shrinking resources. This webinar will examine the various ways states are addressing their Medicaid challenges - and how potential Medicaid changes could impact you and your IDD program.

Retirement Issues and Referrals: Resources for I&R/A Providers

Event Description: 

Around 10,000 individuals reach retirement age every day in the U.S. Retirement can bring new opportunities but can also raise concerns and issues with retirement plans for workers, retirees, and their families. Join this webinar to learn about the basics of retirement plans, common issues experienced by retirees and family members, resources that promote retirement security, and referrals for pension counseling and help. Our presenter is Emily Spreiser, Legal Program Director, Pension Rights Center. 

Real-time captioning will be provided for this webinar.

Innovative Projects for Nutrition Programs and Services: Part 1

Event Description: 

In 2017 ACL issued a funding opportunity for the Innovations in Nutrition Programs and Services grant. This grant was designed to support systematic testing and documentation of innovative and promising practices that would enhance the quality, effectiveness, and proven outcomes of nutrition services and programs within the aging services network.


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