
Short Name: 

Conflict of Interest Part II and Medicaid HCBS Case Management

Event Description: 

This webinar builds off of the Conflict of Interest (COI) Part I training. It will review how to identify a conflict of interest and discuss the HCBS rules regarding COI. It will also provide an overview of strategies for assessing your case management system, using data to inform stakeholders and decision-making, and tips for developing and implementing a corrective action plan (CAP). New Editions Consulting, Inc. will present the training and Ralph Lollar, DLTSS Division Director, and the DLTSS Team will support the training and lead the Q&A Session.

Working Through Sticky Scenarios in Your Counseling

Event Description: 
There are many difficult questions people may encounter while doing benefits and Medicare counseling. Examples of some scenarios that may cause one to question themselves include: the criteria around when Medicare beneficiaries can receive home health care, handling overlapping Initial and Special Enrollment Periods for clients new to Medicare, and distinguishing what qualifies as allowable medical expenses under the medical expense deduction in a Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) application.

Ticket to Work: Support on Your Journey to Financial Independence

Event Description: 
Work Incentive Seminar Events (WISE) are online webinars for people who are age 18 through 64 and receive Social Security Disability benefits. They are usually held on the fourth Wednesday of each month. June's upcoming WISE webinar will focus on Social Security's Ticket to Work (Ticket) program. The Ticket program helps people with disabilities move toward financial independence and connects them with the services and support they need to succeed in the workforce. 
Topics covered in this webinar will include:

Reaching Aging Veterans in Need of Benefits

Event Description: 

NCOA is hosting a webinar focused on connecting older veterans with needed resources and benefits. This webinar will address the common communication problem that occurs as a result of veterans unfamiliar with the landscape of non-military related benefits and aging and disability counselors unfamiliar with the network of veteran benefits. The webinar will describe the three branches of the Veterans Administration (VA) and outline the  benefits connected to each branch.

Health and Welfare in HCBS

Event Description: 

Speakers from the Government Accountability Office (GAO), HHS Office of the Inspector General (HHS-OIG), Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, HHS’ Office on Civil Rights (HHS-OCR) and Administration for Community Living will present findings and model practices that were published in early 2018 in the joint OIG-ACL-OCR report entitled, “Ensuring Beneficiary Health & Safety in Group Homes” as well as GAO’s recent inquiry entitled, “Improved Federal Oversight of Beneficiary Health & Welfare is Needed.” Recommendations/actions implemented by CMS as a result of these inquiries

Disability Inclusion: NIH All of Us Research Program

Event Description: 

This webinar will discuss the All of US Research Program, an inclusive national research program. The focus of this webinar will be how advocates, researchers and people with disabilities can engage with this research program. Presenters will include speakers from HCM Strategists, the All of Us Research Program Engagement Team and the American Association on Health and Disability. Following the presentation, attendees will have a chance to ask questions of the panelists.


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