
Creating Age-Friendly Health Systems

Event Description: 

The UMaine Center on Aging is hosting a virtual clinical geriatrics colloquium on age-friendly health systems. The colloquium will discuss principles of Age Friendly Health Systems, review the 4Ms Framework, describe the role of social determinants of health. Participants will also discuss other relevant topics such as the risks associated with prescription opioids, and how to prevent social isolation. 

Regular registration fee: $30.00 | Maine Gerontological Society (MGS) member fee: $20.00 | Students: Free

Disaster Planning for Elderly, Disabled, and Unsheltered Clients

Event Description: 
WellSky is hosting a webinar to help community-based organizations enhance their plan of action for disasters, pandemics, and unforeseen events. The webinar will review the basic principles of disaster preparedness and discuss how organizations can adapt their mission during a disaster. Participants will learn how to engage their internal team in the process, and how to communicate with clients and partners about disaster preparedness.

Social Isolation in Long Term Care Facilities

Event Description: 

The Virginia Governor's Conference on Aging (VGCOA) is hosted by the Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services and the Virginia Association of Area Agencies on Aging. VGCOA has postponed their meeting until 2021, but is now offering free monthly webinars. The next webinar in the series focuses on the issue of social isolation in long term care facilities.

*The link to register is at the bottom of this page.

The panel will be compromised of the following experts:

Melissa Andrews

President & CEO, LeadingAge Virginia

Healthy People 2030 Launch

Event Description: 

HHS has announced the launch of the next decade of Healthy People. Healthy People 2030 identifies national objectives to improve the health of the country over the next ten years. HHS is hosting a virtual launch event where they will unveil the goals and objectives of Healthy People 2030 and discuss the development process. Participants will hear from HHS speakers will cover topics including 2030 data, social determinants of health, and health equity.

Debunking the Myths of Supported Decision-Making and Guardianship

Event Description: 

The Arc is hosting a webinar about the importance of self-determination for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD). During the webinar, presenters will discuss how people with I/DD can build self-determination skills and maintain control over their own lives. Participants will learn about guardianship, including the obstacles it presents, and will also hear about some less restrictive decision-making alternatives. 


Celebrating 30 Years of the ADA

Event Description: 

The US Access Board is devoted to accessibility for people with disabilities. The Access Board is hosting a public board meeting in recognition of the ADA anniversary. During this meeting, ACL Administrator and Access Board Chair Lance Robertson will deliver a welcome address before a series of discussions on how the ADA has changes our country. 



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