The National Council on Independent Living and the Autistic Self Advocacy Network
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The National Council on Independent Living (NCIL) and the Autistic Self Advocacy Network (ASAN) are hosting a webinar to improve disability access and inclusion among sexual health providers. Real Talk: Conversations and resources about sexuality for young people with disabilities and sexual health providers started a series of dialogues that people with disabilities shared about their experiences with sexual health providers. The sharing of their experiences resulted in the creation of a guide to teach sexual and reproductive health providers about inclusion and accommodations when working with this population. Webinar Presenters will teach attendees about the results from this project and will highlight methods that providers can employ to promote inclusion when working with people with disabilities. This webinar and the Real Talk conversations that have been running since January are supported by a grant from the HSC Foundation. This webinar is recommended for sexual health providers, general practitioners, educators, parents, professionals that work with young people with disabilities, and young people with disabilities that are interested in understanding their rights.