Real Choice Systems Change Grant Program - FY 2001 Community-Integrated Personal Assistance Services and Supports Grantees and Real Choice Grantees: Final Report

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This report provides an overview of 35 states’ initiatives to improve their LTC systems and includes lessons learned and recommendations that can guide states undertaking similar initiatives. Despite accomplishments and improvements, Grantees described continuing barriers including insufficient funding for home and community services; workforce shortages; lack of affordable and accessible housing and transportation; and outdated or inflexible administrative, statutory, and regulatory provisions.
Article Author: 
O’Keeffe, Janet; O’Keeffe, Christine; Coleman, Barbara; Greene, Angela; Brown, David; Anderson, Wayne; Osber, Deborah
Lack of Home and Community Services; Workforce Shortages; Consumer-Direction Program Issues; Administrative and Bureaucratic Barriers; Statutory and Regulatory Barriers; Lack of Affordable Accessible Housing and Transportation;


Janet O’Keeffe
RTI International

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