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MLTSS Care Coordination and Ombudsman Case Studies

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Community-based organizations will be notably impacted by States' implementation of MLTSS programs. Case studies on ombudsman programs and care/service coordination–culled from the MLTSS intensive at the 2013 HCBS Conference–complement the issue brief on CBO readiness. The ombudsman case studies highlight activities in Wisconsin, Hawaii, & Minnesota, while the care/service coordination case studies discuss CBO experiences in Massachusetts & Ohio. Both studies feature successful CBO practices.
community-based organizations, business opportunity, innovation, non-profit, managed care organizations, accountable care organizations, Area Agencies on Aging, Elder Services of the Merrimack Valley, Council on Aging of Southwestern Ohio, ombudsman, credibility, integration, Quest Expanded Access for Healthy Long-Term Living, Minnesota Senior Health Options, Board of Aging and Long Term Care,


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