Minnesota’s Real Choice Systems Changes Grant Presentations: 2004

File Downloads / Links

  • Handout: Quality Design Commission Word
  • Handout: Supporting Stakeholder Groups Word
  • Presentation: Consumer Directed Service PowerPoint
  • Presentation: Personal Care Assistance PowerPoint
  • Presentation: QA/QI PowerPoint
  • Presentation: ADRC PowerPoint
  • Handout: Quality Design Commission PDF
  • Handout: Supporting Stakeholder Groups PDF
  • Presentation: Consumer Directed Service PDF
  • Presentation: Personal Care Assistance PDF
  • Presentation: QA/QI PDF
  • Presentation: ADRC PDF

Article Publication Date: 
In September 2004, Minnesota’s Real Choice Systems Changes grantees presented at the Illinois 2004 Systems Change Seminar. Presentations covered the Minnesota’s Personal Assistance Care Program, QA/QI grant, ADRC grant, and its Senior Health Insurance Program. A variety of topics covered include quality assurance, stakeholder involvement and personal assisted services
Article Author: 
Langenfeld, Karen
Grantee produced
quality assurance; quality; quality improvement; quality design; culturally appropriate; personal care provider organization; home health agency; Supporting Stakeholder Groups


Nirvana Huhtala Petlick

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/51127