Training materials

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EPA Aging Initiative Environmental Health Fact Sheets

These short documents provide information on common health concerns for elderly people that can be caused or exacerbated by environmental factors. Elderly people, caretakers, and educators can use these resources to identify and prevent potential health threats. The fact sheets are available here in English and Spanish. They are available in 13 additional languages as well as large print and easy to read formats on the EPA website provided.

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Knowledge and Skills Needed for Dementia Care: A Guide for Direct Care Workers in Everyday Language

This guide identifies special skills needed specifically in the care for patients with dementia. The document is organized by competency areas, allowing direct care workers or trainers to focus on areas of improvement. Additional resources are also listed by competency areas as well as in alphabetical order and are complemented by a glossary and notes for trainers and supervisors.

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Oregon Youth Transition Trainings

The first of these two presentations is for volunteer partners who help persons with disabilities and their families integrate employment transition into individual education plans (IEP). It is broad in scope, touching on the rights of the individual and family, employment and training resources, and state supports available. The second training focuses on the policy level and describes the goals, participants, outcomes, and keys to success of a statewide youth transition program.

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CMS Case Management Regulation Rule Guidance

The Deficit Reduction Act (DRA) of 2005 clarified which case management and targeted case management services are covered by Medicaid. The rule addresses concerns about improper billing of non-Medicaid services to the program by some states, while aiming to ensure comprehensive services that meet the needs of beneficiaries. These documents from CMS are meant to assist practitioners in understanding and abiding by these rules.

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Working with the Media to Support the Campaign for Mental Health Recovery - Webcast

In support of the Campaign for Mental Health Recovery, SAMHSA has made available this free training Webcast. Two presenters explain how individuals at the grassroots level can successfully garner media interest and support for the CMHR, and how to use the CMHR community site kit. This Webcast may also be of interest to other individuals or organizations working with their local media to support other efforts of social importance and provides useful strategies for organizing outreach efforts.

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National Training Institute for Frontline Supervisors (NTIFFS) Final Report

This project was designed to refine, test and deliver a National Training Institute for Frontline Supervisors using a "Train-the-Trainer" model and a distributed learning, technical assistance and consulting model to assist community human service employers, families and consumers from across the country to recruit, retain, and train direct support professionals and Frontline Supervisors. This project used the logic model to guide the evaluative inquiry.

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1915(c) Waiver Application - The web-based application

Launched on November 17, 2006, this website assists states in applying for their waiver. The site offers training materials, a migration protocol, a copy of the application, and a technical guide. Many questions can be answered in the FAQ section. The application can be downloaded as an html file in order to save your work. States can also allow CMS to view a draft before submitting a final copy.

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Illness and Management Recovery Training Overview and Presentation: New Hampshire

Also known as IMR, this program's goals are to develop and review personal goals and strategies to deal with Mental Illness. It introduces the concept of "recovery" and encourages people to develop their own definitions of personal strategies. The brochure and presentation offer a program overview.

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Peer Support Training Manual - Ohio Advocates for Mental Health

This collection of materials comprises a short course for consumers to further peer support among individuals, to gain skills for use as Peer Support Specialists, to advance the use of warm lines and partnering activities, and to form and sustain peer support groups. The expectation is that people giving and taking this course will have heightened awareness of effective communication skills and resources to assist them as they provide peer support.

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