Training materials

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Family Education and Support in Delaware - Web-based Curriculum

The University of Delaware’s Center for Disabilities Studies created a web-based curriculum to provide helpful information on social, emotional and behavioral health problems in youth for parents/caregivers and also for the children/youth. The program can be used in individual family sessions, multifamily groups or in a school setting. The website offers a host of practical guides and handouts for families, therapist topics and session guides.

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WorkStrides Career Development Program – Washington

The goal of this copyrighted program is to help those facing the most significant challenges to employment to gain economic self-sufficiency. The two-tiered “train the trainer” strategy includes career development curriculum for counselors to develop necessary skills. Counselors then conduct workshops with customers to develop portfolios of skills and strengths. Resources available here include the proposal, an introductory presentation and brochure, and trainer and participant manuals.

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Choose, Get, Keep Integrated Housing

This guide is a supplement to ABCs of Nursing Home Transition: An Orientation Manual for New Transition Facilitators. The two guides are meant to be used together. This second guide, gives greater detail on one of the most challenging aspects to the transition process—locating and securing housing that meets the individual’s needs and preferences so that the transition can be completed. The Appendix offers tools for housing specialist and consumers including checklists and how-to fact sheets.

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Consumer Focus Group Findings – Washington

Three focus group studies on employment support services for people with developmental disabilities are presented here. The first was conducted by self-advocates who gathered feedback from vocational rehabilitation consumers about services received . The second gathered views from consumers on which services were most effective in helping them gain employment. The final is a presentation on the perceptions of people with disabilities and employers on the meaning and importance of work.

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Developmental Disabilities Medicaid Eligibility Explained – Washington

Find here examples of communications used to answer questions about eligibility and the application process for waiver programs. The first handout summarizes the three levels of financial eligibility and strategies for helping an individual maintain benefits. The second resource, a training presentation, provides this information in more detail and uses an anecdotal character to walk through the requirements. Finally, the chart illustrates basic eligibility requirements in a simple chart.

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Informational Materials on Healthcare for Workers with Disabilities – Washington

Under the Healthcare for Workers with Disabilities (HWD) program, people with disabilities can earn more money but still receive Medicaid benefits by paying premiums based on a sliding income scale. At this website, the state offers eligibility information, instructions on applying for HWD coverage, and links to further information. The presentation gives detailed eligibility and application information and includes a tutorial on using the website.

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HIV/AIDS and Older Americans Fact Sheets

HIV/AIDS is not just a young person's disease. Fifteen percent of new HIV/AIDS cases are among Americans over age 50. Many older people with HIV do not know they are infected because they have never been tested. They are not accessing the treatment they need and may be unknowingly spreading HIV to others. This fact sheet discusses HIV/AIDS among older Americans and why all sexually active Americans, including those over age 50, should be tested for HIV as part of their routine health care.

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Earn Income and Keep Medicaid in Virginia with 1619(b) – training presentation

Here is an example of a tool used to educate service providers and consumers about how SSI recipients can keep Medicaid through 1619(b) even if the earn too much to continue receiving an SSI check. The presentation covers eligibility requirements and the application process. In addition, it points people towards resources for further help and information if needed.

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ADRC Training Materials: Hawaii

Staff at the Hawaii ADRC were oriented to the ADRC model and trained in vital customer service and communications skills using these materials. The outline lists the objectives and time needed for training exercises. Two curriculum grids, one for ADRC orientation and one for customer service skills, list training areas, outcomes, and methods. Each grid contains materials for both paid staff and volunteers.

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Aging and Disability Resource Center Information and Assistance Follow-Up Policy – Wisconsin

This document contains best practice examples and ideas for follow-up policies. Aging and disability resource centers (ADRCs) are required to have a written policy describing when and how they will follow-up with people that contact them for information and assistance. The policy helps determine outcomes and provides additional assistance when needed.

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