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Maryland Bridge Subsidy Demonstration Program

The Demonstration aims to provide 75 to 100 low-income residents with rental assistance for up to 3 years as they wait for permanent housing assistance. A process map showing how a subsidy is provided, marketing materials, sample contracts, and several worksheets for gathering unit and participant information and determining assistance eligibility and amount are given here.

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File Downloads / Links Online Guide to State and Local Housing Policy

Use the resources on this site for evaluating and making housing policies and strategies. It contains examples of proven solutions, easily accessible information on state and local policy tools, and guidance on how to put them together to form a comprehensive, effective housing strategy. The site is run by the Center for Housing Policy.

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Developing and Implementing Self-Direction Programs and Policies: A Handbook

The Handbook was developed to provide state staff, policymakers, service providers, program participants, and other stakeholders with a comprehensive source of information about participant direction programs and policies. Its primary purpose is to explain how States can increase program participants’ choice of and control over their services and supports. In addition to providing detailed information, the Handbook also provides links to additional web resources on the selected topics.

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Next Step in Care: Transition Guides and Checklists for Family Caregivers & Professionals

Help family caregivers better manage transitions in care with these guides. Available in English and Spanish, they help determine what issues to consider, how to seek assistance, how to manage medications, and how to better communicate with physicians and other health care professionals. The site, developed by United Hospital Fund, has resources for professionals as well.

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Adult Learner-Centered Training: An Introduction for Educators in Home and Residential Care

One cause of direct-care worker turnover often cited by the workers themselves is inadequate job preparation. PHI developed a training approach over two decades that emphasizes interactive techniques which are more effective in training workers in communication, problem solving, and work readiness skills. This guide outlines learner-centered training and provides educators with tools to implement the principles in their own programs.

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Solutions and Tools for Transforming the Long-Term Care Workforce

This resource provides tools, contact information, and lessons learned from eight research projects that focused on providing a more stable and qualified workforce. These projects, including state demonstrations and applied research and evaluation programs, are part of the four-year, $15.5 million Better Jobs Better Care initiative. The report compiles the major findings, and the resource catalog provides surveys, policy analyses, training and assessment materials, and many more practical tools.

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