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Self-Determination and Revitalization of Integrated Employment - Wisconsin

Wisconsin uses MIG funds to increase integrated employment using strategies such as vocational planning, peer support, social enterprises, and self-employment. The first resource here presents best practices in integrated employment from 23 states. The rest are manuals and training materials for replicating vocational planning, social enterprise, and self-employment programs.

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Peer Power Mentoring Program Toolkit – Wisconsin

Find here documents needed for managing a peer mentoring program. Advisory committee meeting materials illustrate the planning process. Flyers, posters and press releases aid in marketing. Letters to parents and mentors and interview questionnaires and assessments for recruitment are also given. So are worksheets and activity guides for use once a mentor and mentee have been matched.

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Sustaining Grassroots Community-Based Programs: A Toolkit for Community- and Faith-Based Service Providers

Time-limited grants and categorical funding keep providers in the position of searching for funds to cover expenses. Sustainability is about maintaining programs after funding ends and ensuring the organization has become a permanent part of the community. This toolkit contains tips and planning worksheets within six booklets: strategic planning, organizational assessment & readiness, effective marketing strategies, financial management, fund raising & development, results-oriented evaluations.

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Find, Choose, and Keep Great Direct Support Professionals – Toolkit

These kits provide strategic guidance and tools such as checklists and worksheets to help people recruit and retain quality direct support professionals. One version is designed for individuals with disabilities and the other is for their families and support team members. A hard copy with interactive CD is available at the Illinois Direct Support Professional Workforce Initiative website.

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A Reporter's Toolkit: Medicaid

Supported by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, this toolkit features key facts, a brief background section, story ideas, lists of selected experts, websites, and a glossary. Designed for reporters, the resources will be useful for congressional staff, researchers, health policy students and many others. This toolkit explains who Medicaid covers, how it is financed, how it differs from Medicare, how states can alter Medicaid through federal waivers, and what the future holds for the program.

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The A, B, C and D’s of Medicare

The manual is subtitled the Long-Term Care Options Counseling Tool Kit: A Professional’s Guide. It describe the four parts of Medicare Part A, B, C and D; describes who is eligible for Medicare Coverage; explains the roles of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Social Security Administration and private companies as they relate to Medicare; and explains the concepts of deductibles, coinsurance and premiums.

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New Tools that Span the Generations: A Guide to Developing a Point of Entry in your Community

This manual has been developed to both document the Fulton County point of entry (POE) experience and to offer help to others through the process of establishing a POE. Fulton County referred to as Central Assessment and Placement (CAP) may be viewed as a pilot project that can serve as a model for other groups to use in developing a POE system that fits into their local long-term care system.

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Strategic Plan 2006-2010: Alaska Works Initiative (AWI)

This strategic plan outlines the next five years, discusses goals and complements existing Alaska Works Initiative (AWI) activities to 1) address the major barriers that keep people with disabilities from working 2) enhance Alaska’s Medicaid programs and existing employment infrastructures to better meet the needs of working people with disabilities; and 3) imbed what has been learned through the AWI into a comprehensive employment system.

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Caregivers Count Too! - A Toolkit to Help Practitioners Assess the Needs of Family Caregivers

The National Center on Caregiving at Family Caregiver Alliance (FCA) has developed a new online resource. The toolkit is a practical resource targeted to practitioners and program administrators interested in integrating caregiver assessment into their work with caregiving families, older people and adults with disabilities. A compilation of materials and techniques are provided which incorporate fundamental principles and practice guidelines. Review the definitions and assessment tools.

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K-PASS Self-Direction Toolkit: A Comprehensive Guide to Assist Individuals in Self-Direction

The Shawnee County CDDO is pleased to present the Kansas Personal Assistance Supports and Services (K-PASS) Self-Direction Toolkit. The purpose is to provide people with disabilities the information and tools they need to hire and manage their personal assistant supports and services. The toolkit includes such items as job descriptions, training information, emergency back-up plans and other useful resources.

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