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Youth Transition Toolkit - California

Find seven practical,person-centered planning tools for transition planning for youths with disabilities. This toolkit is for youths with disabilities ages 12-18+, with the ultimate goal of easing the transition from junior high school into high school, then on to college and/or employment. Included is information on developing Individualized Education Programs, 504 plans, Individual Transition Plans and more.

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Return-to-Work Toolkit for Employees & Employers - Website

Effective return-to-work approaches can help employees work while still recuperating, protecting their earning power and boosting an organization's output. In many instances, work itself plays an important role in the recovery process. The Office of Disability Employment Policy has developed an online toolkit to help both employers and employees understand the return-to-work process and provide resources to assist in getting employees back on the job quickly and smoothly.

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Charting The Course: Supporting the Career Development of Youth with Learning Disabilities

Drawing on techniques from both educational and workforce systems, this guide introduces a comprehensive systematic approach for supporting youth with learning disabilities. It reflects a “disability rights” perspective and discusses federal rights to assistive technology, considerations in effective disclosure of a disability, and information on accessing civil rights protections in various settings. Find in-depth information, including numerous charts, tables, and tools.

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Making the Move to Managing Your Own Personal Assistance Services (PAS): A Toolkit for Youth with Disabilities Transitioning to Adulthood

Find a clearly written, user-friendly manual developed for use by an individual transitioning into greater independence and adulthood. The toolkit provides comprehensive guidance on planning for personal assistance services and transitioning to independent living. A number of personal stories are included, along with useful questionnaires, checklists, goal development guides, sample plans, activities of daily living worksheets, and extensive PAS hiring, management and training information.

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My Plan – Online Person Centered Planning Tool

Are you looking to develop an online person centered planning tool? Check out this one created to help people with disabilities think about their strengths, needs, wants and dreams, and put them in a plan to use to make decisions about their life. The plan is separated into four categories (Home, Community, Health & Work) and is created completely online. It also includes information on looking for services on (Medicaid Reference Desk).

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Aging Well in Communities: A Toolkit for Planning, Engagement & Action

Find a user-friendly toolkit outlining a community-based planning process to promote healthy aging. The guide includes an overview with key elements of an aging well planning process, step-by-step guides for data gathering activities, case studies of communities addressing these needs, and a resource list of web sites and organizations offering information. Also attached is a related article co-authored by the Center for Civic Partnerships staff.

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Permanent Supportive Housing Toolkit

SAMHSA provides toolkits to promote the use of evidence-based practices in mental health. This set focuses on Permanent Supportive Housing defined as decent, safe, and affordable community-based housing that provides residents the rights of tenancy under state and local landlord-tenant laws. The housing is linked to voluntary and flexible support and services designed to meet tenants’ needs and preferences.

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Map Your Neighborhood (MYN) - Building and Strengthening Disaster Readiness Among Neighbors - Oregon

Find an example of an emergency preparedness handout created for Oregon residents. In a disaster, your most immediate source of help are the neighbors living around you. This document describes steps to take immediately following a disaster, illustrates how to create a neighborhood map and identifies skills and equipment that are useful in an effective disaster response.

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HCBS Case Management Manual - Missouri

Explore how this state deals with Assessments, Level of Care, Money Follows the Person and other policies through their comprehensive online HCBS Case Management Manual. Included are detailed information on services, units and rates, and forms. Find an online index to the manual, where each link loads a separate Word document with detailed information on the item.

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Participant Direction During Difficult Budget Times: A Toolkit for State Policymakers and Advocates

Find useful tools to help you advocate for participant-directed services. This toolkit offers a “Budget Myths Chart” highlighting common myths, counter-arguments, and important facts to make your case, and other helpful tools including personal stories, reports on involving program participants, and tips and examples of opinion articles suggested by policymakers and advocates.

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