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Covering Health Reform Between Now and 2014 - Toolkit

Explore this toolkit, which identifies some of the best reform timelines, resources to help explain temporary high-risk pools, Medicaid and Medicare changes, reform’s impact on private coverage, provisions for small businesses, and the important state role in implementing reform. Included are an extensive listing of experts, contact information, and websites. The toolkit was based on a briefing for journalists, and a link to a webcast of this briefing is included.

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Veterans Independence Program Resources – Southern Maine

Are you looking to develop resources for a Veteran-directed HCBS program? Find materials developed for Southern Maine’s program, including a marketing brochure, a detailed guidebook defining concepts such as self-direction and financial services, forms and instructions for emergency backup, safety and prevention strategies, care plan development and budget worksheets, and detailed information and forms to help veterans in their role as an employer.

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A Toolkit for Serving Diverse Communities

AoA has released a toolkit that provides the Aging Network and its partners with a replicable and easy-to-use method for providing services for any diverse community. The toolkit consists of a four-step process and a questionnaire that assists professionals, volunteers and advocates with every stage of program planning, implementation and service delivery for older adult communities, their families and caregivers.

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Self-Advocate Leadership Network – Website

Looking for an organization that provides training and resources for self-advocates? This network’s goal is to prepare self-advocates for leadership roles in guiding developmental disabilities systems change in ways that promote self-determination, community integration and participant-driven supports. The organization developed “My Voice, My Choice,” a curriculum described in detail on the website, which also includes toolkits, training opportunities and more.

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Diversifying Your Workforce

Looking for a reference guide for recruiting, hiring, & retaining employees with disabilities? This is a quick reference guide geared towards employers outlining the advantages of hiring people with disabilities, along with four simple steps towards increasing their inclusiveness in the workforce. With numerous resources and Web links, this is a helpful tool for organizations looking to benefit from the talents of qualified individuals with disabilities.

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Increasing Person-Centered Thinking: Improving the Quality of Person-Centered Planning

Are you looking for ways to improve the quality of person-centered plans? This manual was developed to help improve the facilitation process around PCP. Most of the information uses the foundation of Personal Futures Planning, and the training provides an overview of the fundamental concepts and principles underlying this approach to planning. The manual is intended to be used as a resource in training programs.

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Integrating Care for Dual Eligibles - Toolkit

The Center for Health Care Strategies works with states, health plans and federal policymakers to spearhead innovative approaches for integrating Medicare and Medicaid services. They have developed an online toolkit which includes policy-related materials, program design, financing, performance measurement and consumer engagement using hands-on tools to help guide state efforts, and sample documents from states that have successfully implemented integrated approaches. A TA brief is attached.

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Healthcare Booklet for Disabled Youth - California

Why is California preparing its disabled children for their transition to teen-hood? By engaging these children early, California hopes to get these kids involved in their own health care and future employment opportunities. The end goal is a transition to adulthood that is successful, fulfilling and without limitations. The attached health care booklet contains advice, tips and more for kids preparing to take charge of their own future, and includes advice for their parents.

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Facilitating Consumer Leadership in Service Systems

Are you looking for a toolkit that provides practical guidelines, recommendations and checklists to enhance the capacity to create and sustain partnerships with individuals with disabilities? This toolkit presents ideas, techniques and mechanisms that may be useful to state policymakers in developing and establishing working partnerships with consumers.

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Early Considerations, Policies and Procedures – PersonalChoice – Rhode Island

Find helpful documents developed for the PersonalChoice program. Included are a flowchart of the referral/intake/enrollment process, Advisement Agency Certification Standards, a Training Manual and Quick Start Guide designed to give participants an overview of the program and their roles and responsibilities (including information on service and spending plans, communication tips, and information about working with PersonalChoice support agencies), and a Spending Plan template.

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